A friend of mine recently posted this photo on facebook and it is so true. For generation upon generation, we have heard the fairy tale stories. Sometimes, I think that we get so caught up in the "happily ever after, that we forget about how the characters got there. All the stories I remember, the hero or heroine of the story had to face some adversity to get to the "happily ever after." We've got the "once upon a time" down, because we know where our life started. But we seem to get lost between the beginning and the end. We know that we want the happy ending but get stuck when adversity strikes. Our ending doesn't have to be something that we settle for, it's something that we design. I'm not saying that every detail is designed, because we all know that life has a way of throwing us for a loop at times. But what I am saying is that we have options. In no way shape of form should we just be settling for what life hands us. We have the ability to create that storybook life, that we all say that we want. When that adversity comes, what are you going to do about it? If your answer is, "I don't know" then you need to figure it out. If you are not a part of your own solution, then you are a part of your own problem. I've always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way." If you really wanted to have that happy ending, you would find a way. Stop complaining about the adversity and obstacles and get to working on getting through it. Life will give you what you want, it will give you what you deserve. Put in the work, believe that it will happen, and watch your efforts change your circumstances. Obstacles and adversities are put in our live for mainly two reasons. One, to make us stronger and to prepare us for what is next and two, to test our resolve. Is what we say we want really what we want or are we just playing lip service? You are ready have the "Once upon a time", figure out what your "Happily ever after" is, now have the faith that it will happen and work like hell to accomplish it.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
So, I'm sitting here watching The Karate Kid and got inspired to write this post. Early in the movie, Mr. Miyagi asks Daniel if he is ready to learn karate. Daniel says, "Guess so." Mr. Miyagi explains that if you walk on the left or right side of the you are okay but if you walk In the middle you will get "squished, just like a grape." He exposes the lesson by telling Daniel that if he must choose either karate yes or karate no. Karate guess so would caused him to get "squished, just like grape."
Our lives are much like this example. We can choose to ignore our destiny and live in mediocrity or we can choose to live our destiny and live happy fulfilling lives. It's when we "guess so" about our destiny that we live in distress. We get frustrated, stressed, and live in misery. It's when we give our passions and dreams a half hearted effort that we struggle the most. Instead is giving it our all, we gave it less then our best. Then say, it won't work and that it must not have been meant for us. If it's in your heart, it's meant to be.
We also get distract by what seems like meaningless work in the pursuit of our destiny. Mr. Miyagi has Daniel to wax on and wax off, sand the floor, paint the fence, and even paint the house. Daniel gets frustrated that he isn't being taught karate. Then Mr. Miyagi reveals to him that what seemed like chores were really hidden karate moves. When we are patient and persistent with our efforts, life have a way of revealing that it has all bee a part of the journey. Stop trying to understand the process and just keep giving it your best. The Universe wants you to reach your full potential but leave the process to the Universe and the effort up to you. You deserve your best.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
All too often we get stuck in the rut of being a "have not." We believe that the reason or reasons that we are lacking in a certain area of our life is due to something outside of ourselves. We believe that "they" were born into it or that "they" got lucky. The reason that we believe these things is because all we see are the end results. Most of the time we don't see or hear about all the years of hard work that "they" put in before they became successful. There is no such thing as an overnight success. There are years and years of hard work that happen before success comes. The biggest difference between "them" and us, is they decided to act upon an opportunity and continually work at it until they achieved their desired result. What results do you wish to see in your life? Do they involve happiness, relationships, monetary, or career? What are you willing to do to achieve these results? What are you willing to sacrifice to reach these results? So now that you have answered these questions, just do it. The biggest difference between those who have their desired results and those who don't are those who do what is necessary and those who make excuses. We allow ourselves to accept excuses as to why we don't have the life that we desire.
A week ago, I was told that I would be on crutches for four weeks. Before I even left the parking lot, I was already discussing, with my boss, what I could do at work. Instead of worrying about what my limitations would be, I was concentrating on what I would be able to do. I was already formulating a plan of action. I could have taken the easy route, filed for my short-term disability, and sat at home and did nothing. I decided to stay working, change a part of my role at work, and still remain and active member of the team.
Stop cluttering up your mind with what you can't do and become a part of the solution by concentrating on what you can do. Either you are a part of the solution or you are a part of the problem. Either you are doing what you can or you are making excuses. Either you are a have or a have not. It's your life, how will you decide to live it. Sure obstacles will arise, but choose to adapt, improvise, and overcome those obstacles. Make a difference in your life today and become a doer in order to become a have kind of person.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
We will spend, sometimes months, designing our week long vacation. We go through every detail. Plane or drive? What hotels will we stay at? What shopping and restaurants do we want to take in? What new activities do we want to try? Why do we spend so much time planning for a week of our live and yet so little time planning a happy life? Happiness doesn't always come from "just going with the flow", because what might be right for a few might not be right for you. A life filled with happiness doesn't happen by accident. It happens by
design. You have to put work in, to achieve a happy life. Happiness takes effort. Happiness comes from making and executing a plan. That plan may include changing your personal circle, your job, or even where you live. Sure, some things will still go haywire but that it just a part of
the human experience. Design, execute, and make the adjustments along
the way in order to live a life of happiness. Once you determine what level of happiness you want and deserve, maintaining it is the easy part. Notice that I didn't say anything about settling for a level of happiness. Raise your standards and don't settle for less. Don't attach your
happiness to any one or any thing. Attach your happiness to you and you
alone. People and things are only there to add to our happiness not
define it. That job, house, car, or significant other are only there to add to your happiness. To many time we believe that if we get these things or accomplish that goal, we will be happy. You are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. You and you alone are in charge or your happiness. When I finally realized this, my life began to dramatically change. I began to live my life differently. Stress and drama began to leave my life. That's not saying that I still don't get drama and stress in my life, but I get to choose how big of a role they will play in my life. People and things will let you down and when you place your happiness on them, that is when you live a life full of drama and stress. People wonder why their life sucks and why good things never happen for them. Take a few moments and see what you have attached your happiness to. Make sure that your happiness it only attached to you and everything else is only there to add to your happiness. If you have something taking away from your happiness, it's time for a change. It might mean that you need to change or that you need to change or remove something that you have allowed into your life. Sure change can be scary, but without it, we a destined to life a life of misery. What is your happiness worth and what are you willing to do to have more happiness in your life? Take the time to design what you want your happiness to look and feel like. Execute your plan. Make adjustments a long the way. Never lower your standards, because you deserve the best.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big