I really don't have a green thumb and yard work is not my favorite thing to do. But I understand that if I don't take care of what I do have, weeds and vines can take over. What inspired this blog was, I was out cleaning up the bushes in the front of my house today and realized that I had let things get way out of hand. The neighbor has ivy growing in her yard and it has crept onto my house and around my bushes. Now sure it's pretty but, unattended, and it quickly gets out of control. As I was doing a massive trim job on the bushes, I also found trash under the bushes.
Our life is a lot like this area in the front of my house. When it's well tended, it looks beautiful, but left unattended and allowed to grow wildly, bad things can happen. We have to spend time tending the garden that we call life. We have to make sure that the things and people in our lives, are well nurtured. We have to take time to exterminate the weeds and remove the junk that others leave. Life demands constant loving care. Outside circumstances and people will leave junk in our lives. It it our responsibility to keep it cleaned up. They want to drag their drama into our lives and leave it there. We have to be very mindful about those kinds of people. Sometimes, we allow situations and things into our lives that were innocent enough to begin with but we have left them unchecked and now they have taken over the more beautiful things on our lives. Sometimes, things like TV, partying, social media, and hobbies, just to name a few. All these things, that we have allowed to stay in our lives, can and will eventually kill off the things in our life that are most precious if we allow them to run rampant, much like the neighbor lady's ivy.
Only you can decide what needs to flourish in your garden of life. For me, it's love, relationships, my passion, dreams, and my job. All of these things bring happiness into my life. I have learned what things I need to moderate in my life, so that it doesn't begin to stifle the growth of those things that are most important to me. I have also learned, that even those things that I want to dominate my garden of life, need to be trimmed and pruned from time to time. My relationships need to be kept in check, because they too can get out of hand. The dead parts need to be cut off so that it may grow and bloom more effectively. I do the same with my passions, dreams, and my job. I regularly check those things, what had become the dead parts, what needs to be improved upon, and what needs a little extra care.
As I was finishing up my yard work, the neighbor with the ivy, stopped to talk. She said that she knows that the ivy gets out of hand and that I could spray some roundup on it if I wanted to. She also commented how much the likes the way the bushes bloom in the summer. I told her that I was going to trim them way back this year, so they might not bloom like they have the past couple of years. But in trimming them way back this year, it will give them new growth, and a better bloom next year. How does your garden grow? What parts need cleaned out? What do you need to trim way back so that it will bloom even better next year?
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