Years ago, my Mom used to say, "My job title and fifty cents could buy her a cup of coffee." The price of a cup of coffee has went way up since then, but the truth remains. A title is just a title. I've always told me employees that, "The only difference between me and them, is that when the poo rolls down hill, it just hits me first."
I have know for years, that I am only as good as my employees. It is ultimately my responsibility to make sure that I have the right people in the right place at the right time, but I am still dependent upon their drive and desire to do a good job. I have been very blessed to work with some great people in my life. People who were committed to their job, their quality of work, and their desire to be better. I have even had employees want to follow me when I transferred to another store, or even quit the company to follow me to a new company. Leadership has many facets to it, but here are just a few, of what I believe to be, core principles:
1) Be the Example
2) Be Empathetic
3) Give Credit Where It's Due
4) Respect is Earned
I have never been to good to do anything that I would ask an employee to do. I have cleaned bathrooms, swept floors, cashiered, stocked, and worked nights, weekends, and holidays. I have tried to set the example of what I expect from my employees. I try to be empathetic to their wants and needs, but I remind them that I still have a store to run. When my bosses have come around, I never take credit for a project that I didn't do and I will take the blame if something is wrong because I allowed it. I never pass the blame onto someone else. Having a title should carry a certain amount of respect, but that can be lost if you are not a good leader, and the rest should be earned.
I have got to where I am today, because of my employees. Yes, it took my drive, desire, and applying the skills/knowledge that I have learned, but I still owe a lot to all those who have worked for me. Remember a title is just a title if you don't respect your position.
As the leader of you life, you can also follow these core principles: Be the example, Be empathetic, Give credit where it is due, and earn your respect from others. Surround yourself with the right people, to have in the right place, at the right time for when you need them. You are not using people, because you should be that person in their lives as well.
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