When you are in a good mood, you can make anything happen. Ever notice, that when you are in a really good mood the world seems to toss more good your way? Maybe you feel that that rarely happens to you. How about this, when you are having a crappy day, the world seems to toss more crap your way? Does that seem to fit your life better? The thing is, our lives are all about perspective. If we perceive that everything that happens in our life is crappy, then guess what, that is all that we will see. And the opposite is true. If we perceive our life to be amazing, that is what we will see. Have you ever purchased, let's say a different car. Think about how many you saw on before you thought about buying that kind of car. How many did you start to see once you had decided on what kind of car you were going to buy? After you bought the car, how many do you start seeing? Perspective. It's not that, all of a sudden, more of those cars just appeared on the road. Most of them we probably already there, you just didn't notice them. But now that your perception changed and was tuned into that kind of car, you saw more. The same thing is true in life. When we change our perception about life and what we tune into, we begin to see more of that. So doesn't it make sense to tune into what we want more of in life? I always find it interesting, that the people who complain the most about the drama in their live are usually the one who talk the most about it, not only the drama in their own life but the drama in other people's lives. There perception and focus is on drama. We can dwell on the things that we see as struggles in life and go through life thinking that life is just one big struggle. Or we can shift our perception about life and choose to focus on all the good in our lives. When we change our perception to love, gratitude, and miracles we are able to see more of those things in our lives. We are able to change our stumbling blocks into stepping stones merely by changing our perception. Our test into a testimony and so forth. I would encourage you to, the next time life seems to have handed you what seems to be a crappy day, to change your perspective and start looking for the things that you want more of in your life. For what we focus on, is what we will receive more of in our life.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
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