Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fundamental Answers To Fundamental Questions

Have you ever had an inspired thought? Have you ever did something that gave you a sense of happiness unlike anything you have ever done and you get that feeling every time that you have done it since? Is there something that when you thing about it, just puts a smile on your face? How about something that you can talk about for hours with a complete stranger because you are so passionate about it? Would you do that thing for the rest of your life, even if you never got paid to do it, just because you enjoy it so much? What ever that thing is, is probably what you were put on this earth to do. That thing is most likely your true calling. Many of us have allowed life to get in the way and not pursuing our true calling. I'm not saying that you are wrong for doing that, I too have fell into that trap. I ignored what I loved doing for that sake of "making end meet", "doing the responsible thing", or what ever was convenient at the time. Until about three years ago, I had lost myself in a life of conformity and ignoring what really makes me intrinsically happy. I have come to realize that there are options in this life. Here is something that I realized during my meditation last night and I thought that I would share it with you. When you figure out what it is that you really desire to do in life because of the happiness that it bring to you and others, I am going to answer the six most important questions about that thing for you. So here it goes:

WHO? So this is the most obvious answer, it's you. It is up to you to make you happy. It is up to you to create the life that you have imagined. It's up to you put make the changes to change your life. It's up to you to put in the work. Sure, you will need some help along the way, don't worry about that, it will take care of it's self when the time is right.

WHAT? Define exactly what it is that you want to accomplish. It doesn't mean that things won't change along the way, but you have to have a starting point. Very few people build a house with blue-prints that they have approved and don't make changes along the way. Your passion will be the same. But, just get your starting reference point.

WHEN? Now! There is no better to begin your journey than today. No one said that you had to complete your journey today, but you must begin today. Even baby steps are a greater distance closer than doing nothing. Your baby steps today, compound in their effect in the future if you just stay on that path.

WHERE? There is no magical place to start. It is never too early or too late in life. Your passion has no geographical preference. People have began their journey from all over the world and still achieved greatness. Big city, country town, East coast, West coast, it makes no difference. Just begin from where you are right now.

WHY?  Don't you want to be happy? I'm not talking about for an hour, a day, or a week, I'm talking about a lifetime full of happiness. It's been said, that one of the greatest ways to combat depression is to be inspired. Your passion inspires and excites you. So maybe the better question is, why not? There is no downside to living up to the potential that you were put on this earth to fulfill.

HOW? I used to get so caught up on this one. It probably has to do with the fact that I am such an analytical thinker. I am always thinking of how I will accomplish a task(manager mode). I have come to realize that it really isn't any of my business how this will happen. I was given a passion and my only responsibility to it is to use it. When I let go of worrying about the how, life became so much easier and doors that I would have never even thought of have opened to me. But, I have to let go of the control factor.

In closing, I just want to let you know that I believe in you. I have seem some amazing transformations in people who started being authentic to their calling in life. Stop allowing fear freeze you in your tracks and keep you stuck in less then you were designed to be.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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