Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Saturday, December 29, 2012
2012 again?
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Why Yes, It Does Revolve Around Me
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Friday, November 30, 2012
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Life Hoarders
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Monday, November 19, 2012
I'm NOT Dr. Phil?
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Repeat Offender
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big.
Friday, November 2, 2012
My Political View...You Have Been Warned
It doesn't matter who you vote for, the system that we are nominating them into is broken. We have become a country that is being run by a government instead of a government being ran by the people. Until we fix the problem, the absolute power that our government has will continue to corrupt the majority that we vote in. There is no longer a system of checks and balances, but a system of payoff and kickbacks. Our government was first established to serve the people not to take advantage of them. Until we, as a nation, rise up and take back that power that we have allowed the government to take from us, we will never be that great nation that we once were. Now don't get me wrong, I love America and I am proud to be an American. But we have become complacent in our ways. Our freedoms are slowly and quietly being taken from us as we turn a blind eye and let it happen.
I am, by no means, a political or historical scholar. But this is how I see it. How do we fix it? I don't have an exact plan, but something has to be done. I think that we should start with a six year term with no chance of reelection. Once your term is over, you have six months of unemployment to find a new job them you are back to the working class like the rest of us. No more life time benefits. Having to go back into the working class might change your mind about some of the legislation you have to vote on. With a candidate only being in office for six years, I think that it would limit some of the P.A.C. money because they know that that person can only help them for so long. Also, do we really need the electoral college anymore? We have the technology to cast votes for an American Idol, we should be able to come up with a winner with just a popular vote.
Okay, so I got that off my chest. I'm not telling you who to or not to vote for. I still believe that if you don't vote you have no right to complain about who gets elected. It's time for us to take a stand as a nation of people and stop allowing the politicians to run our lives. We are still the voice and heartbeat of this great nation that we live in. Be heard and let them know that the country's life blood still run through us.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Let Me Tickle Your Ear
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Leadership...My Way
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Stop Using Band-Aids
We live in a time that knowledge is at your fingertips. There is no excuse for not exploring your options for improving your quality of life. Almost two years ago, I had to stop allowing myself to make excuses and delve deep within me and get to the root of my issues. Have I completed the journey. By now means am I where I want to be, but I am a hell of a lot closer than I was. What's your excuse? No time? No money? Don't know where to start? All of those excuses can be all summed up into one word. Laziness. If you are reading this, you obviously have access to a computer and there is so much information available to you. Find you local library and read books. I didn't know where to start either, but I knew that if I just started somewhere, the universe would direct my path. I wasn't wrong. Begin today, trade those handy band-aids for action. What do you have to lose? What you have been doing, obviously hasn't been working.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Dollars Don't Create Desire
Truth be told, people with less money, in worse living conditions, and with less education have pursued and accomplished their goals and dreams. Whatever excuse you can come up with, someone has already crushed that excused with persistence and determination. Persistence and determination will conquer all your fears. It's not about becoming an overnight success, it's about taking those small consistent daily steps.
Every time that I have stagnated in the pursuit of my dreams and passion, has been when I stopped doing those little daily things that I know I should be doing. I stopped my daily reading, my daily affirmations, and daily believing in myself, which lead to me questioning if I should just give up. I don't like the feeling of possibly giving up. I refuse to give up and it's time to fight back. Watch out, here I come dreams and passions.
Dollar don't create desire, but desire can create dollars. Don't get it twisted.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Saturday, September 22, 2012
1 Corinthians 13...It's Not Just For Weddings
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
This scripture is usually used to help describe the kind of love that should be shared between a couple during marriage. I will take it one step further and say that it should be used in all of our relationships. Now, I, by no means am a bible scholar, but I think that it gives us a great foundation for the kind of love that we should have in our lives for others.
I would like to take a different look at this scripture and apply it to another love that is many times overlooked or even missing in our lives. That love would be, the love that we should have for ourselves.
Love is patient.
Are you patient with yourself?
Love is kind.
Are you kind to yourself?
Love does not envy.
Do you envy your past?
Love does not boast.
Do you brag yourself up to make yourself feel better about your shortcoming?
Love is not proud.
Are you a humble person?
Love does not dishonor others?
Do you talk down to yourself?
Love is not self-seeking.
Are you putting others' needs before you own?
Love is not easily angered.
Do you get angry with yourself?
Love keeps no record of wrongs.
Have you forgiven you?
Love does not delight in evil.
Do you find joy in getting revenge when other have done you wrong?
Love rejoices with the truth.
Are you being truthful with you?
Love always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres.
Do you protect and trust you? Do you have hope? Do you persevere or give up when things get tough?
We have to learn how to love ourselves before we can ever really truly be loved by others. Sure others will love us, but loving ourselves opens us up to a more abundant life of love. When we limit our self love, we limit how much love we feel and think that we are worthy of receiving. Loving yourself is not a selfish act, but an act of sacrifice. When you love yourself, not only do you become a stronger person, you become a better parent, spouse, employee, leader, etc. When we work on ourselves we become a more complete person, the person that we were designed to be, and that is the meaning of life.
Learning to love myself was not always easy. It took time. I had to invest in me. This has been the absolute best investment that I have ever made, and it's dividends have paid off immensely. Not only has it improved my financial situation, but more importantly,the relationships in my life.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Are You Fighting For or Against?
We get so stressed out when we are fighting for things to not happen in our lives. To many times we are fighting against the wrong things. We fight against poverty, against other peoples' opinions of us, or maybe against failure. The problem is that none of these things really matter. These battles raise our stress levels, take time away from loved ones, and take precious years off our lives. Plain and simple, these are not the battles that we should be spending our time on.
We expend all of this energy against stuff in our lives when we could be working towards the things that should really matter in our life.Working towards loving ourselves, accepting ourselves, and creating the life that we believe is successful. What people think of you, if others love and accept us or not, or if we are being heard or not doesn't matter. It's about how we perceive ourselves. When we concentrate on ourselves and those closest to us(kids, parents,close, time tested friends, etc.) and the rest of your life will start falling into place. We have to spend our time and effort taking care of ourselves. Improving our own personal space and creating a better life.
We quickly make decision to not fail and yet we procrastinate the decision to succeed. Take some time today and reflect about what really matter in your life. Stop spending time on unnecessary fights and start fighting for the things that matter the most.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Saturday, September 8, 2012
True Strength
True strength is not about physical qualities but about our ability to not give up when the battle seems to be over. Two of the strongest women I have ever known have been my Mom and my wife. Their feats of strength are not measured by how much they can lift but by their persistance to not give up when life has seemed to have dragged them to their deepest and darkest places. I have always looked up to these to woman and have admired what they have been able to accomplish. They both have fought through depression and have become stronger because of it. My Mom survived losing both her son and husband in less than two years. My wife has fought through losing almost all of her material things and was on the verge of becoming homeless. The ability to not give up can't be measured by some scientific equation but by shere determination. You have to find that reason to tie a knot when you reach the end of your rope. For both of these women, it was their kids that kept them hanging on and the to courage to fight back. Find that reason in your life, find your determination, and find your inner fighter. We are stronger than we believe we are. The struggles we have had up to this point have only been there to prepare us for our current struggles. Don't run and try to hide from your struggles. I understand that we need a stratgey when facing challenges but no action is not acceptable. I have been repeatedly accused of over analyzing things but I formulate a plan and then take action. Fear keeps us frozen and unable to act. Courage is the ability to act inspite of fear. Courage comes from fighting back when things seem bleek. Have courage because you ARE strong. Fight back because you deserve a better life. Fight back because your family deserves a better you. Live and enjoy your life. Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Abandonded Dreams
I am sure that these boys have their struggles. Booking gigs, band practices, teenage drama, school, and I'm sure that there are many more that I have missed. Despite what ever obstacles have presented themselves to these young men, they have stuck to their "gunz" and have made their passion a reality. They have even produced their first single, got it on the local radio station, and are taking half of the proceeds from the sale the single and putting towards producing their first CD.
What ever happened to the dreams that we had as kids? Why did we abandon them? We used to sit and talk for hours on end about what we would be when we grew up, where we would live, what we would do for vacation, and what material possessions that we would have. Life hands us, maybe, a less than desirable career and we settle for it. We change our plans for our dream home for what we can afford for now and once again settle for it. When we stop dreaming, I believe, it is because we are settling. When we settle, we are lowering our standards to meet where we are in life. I understand that life hands us a mortgage, car payments, health issues, 40+ hours work weeks, but none of that matters if you really want your dreams to become your life.
Don't allow your struggles and setbacks to determine what your life will look like. Be bigger than them, believe that you deserve your best, and begin to pursue those abandoned dreams. Don't fear the unknown and make your intention be known about how you feel about those dreams of days gone by. Needles to say, I was inspired by The Young Gunz to keep pursuing my dreams and passions.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Chains On You
Our greatest potential are those chains that pull us toward our greatness, the problem lays in that fact that we cannot clearly see what that future really is. It's an intangible. As much as we try to envision it, dream about it, and plan for it, it is still as if we are looking at it through a dense fog at times. We can see some color, a shape, and maybe even smell what we believe that our future will be like, but inevitably, it is still an illusion of sorts. Our future is an abstract thing that we cannot completely grasp a hold of without some doubt.
Usually, the chains of the past, are those things in which left scars on us emotionally. Those words from a family member or friend that cut us like a knife. That resentment that we feel toward someone that did us wrong. Maybe it's a mistake that we made and just can't seem to forgive ourselves for. Whatever it is, understand that these chains only serve one purpose, to keep you from your greatness.
The chains that bind us to our past, many times, are stronger than those pulling us to our future. Our past is a tangible thing. We lived through it. We were able to touch it, taste it, hear it, smell it, and feel it. It is real, whereas our future has not yet become a reality. Sure we can still move toward our future, our own personal greatness, but the chains of our past, slow us down, and will prevent us from achieving all that we can or should accomplish. Now for the good news, I have a solution for the chains of the past and how to break them so that you can move toward you personal greatness faster and achieve more. Let go of them. I know that you have heard it a thousand times or more and yes, I know that it's not just that easy. I have had several chains that I had to learn to let go of. It took time, patience, mentors, and a lot of self discovery. But by letting go, I have released myself from many of those things that were holding me back and have been able to grow as a person.
The chains that are pulling us toward the future are only as strong as your greatest weakness. Don't be afraid of your weaknesses, but rather embrace them and work on them. You want to make those chains as strong as possible and you can only do that by working on your weaknesses. You will have to be at your absolute best to achieve your absolute best. Your absolute best is waiting for you, so begin today by letting go of the past and strengthening your weaknesses.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Fear Paid Me A Visit
Instead of accepting the fear as fact, I embraced it as a natural reaction. I didn't feed my fear with negative thoughts and running away from it. I took the fear and analyzed it for what it really was, a fear of the unknown. I don't know what the future holds, I can only rely on this very moment. I don't even know how my day will end. As I began to embrace my fear, I felt it growing stronger. I knew that running from it would not fix it. I have to face it head on. A part of me wanted to ignore it and wait for it to pass, that has never worked for me in the pass, and I didn't expect it to this time either. As I began to listen to the fear, I was able to rationalize what it was that I was really fearing....failure. The heavy dose of PMA (positive mental attitude) that I have been feeding myself for the past two years came in very handy. The time and effort that I have spent in developing me, paid off.
By the end of the day, the fear had pretty much went away. My wife was there of me to lean on and be my strength when I felt weak. She is an amazing woman and believes in when I need her the most.So when you feel weak, fearful, or unloved, don't be afraid to lean on those who have supported you the most. Embrace those emotions and realize that you are stronger than any of those emotions. One of my favorite quotes from Les Brown is, "Ask for help, not because you are weak, but ask for help to stay strong. Ask for help and don't stop until you get it."
I found this great passage online; "Courage is "taking action is spite of fear." In fact, you can only experience courage in the face of fear. Fear is our greatest obstacle to living happy, peaceful and powerful lives. The true definition of fear is "anticipation of pain." Since anticipation is based in the future and the future only exists in our imagination, fear does not exist in reality. It only lives in our head." -by T. Harv Eker
Needless to say, I am still moving forward in the pursuit of my passions and dreams. I will not allow fear to hold me back. I understand that fear will visit me again but once again it will meet up with the fire that burns inside of me to make a better life for me, my family, and those whom I come into contact with. I do not welcome fear, but I will answer the door when it knocks with courage.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!!!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
My 1st Year of Blogging
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The Shadow of Fear
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Squeezing The Life Out Of A Dream
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Me and My Precipice
The thing is, most of our everyday risks are greatly outweighed but the reward. Getting in a car is a far greater reward than walking 30 miles to work. Everyday our brain analyzes the risks that we are taking versus the rewards of doing those things. If the risks are to great, we step back and go a different and more familiar path. We are creatures of habit for the most part and choose those actions which cause us the least amount of stress, pain, and resistance. I have long been one of those people, my analytical brain surveys the situation and creates rational lists of pros and cons of why I should and shouldn't proceed in a particular direction in my life.
I dropped out of college and began a career in retail, not much risk there. I've moved several times in my career to better myself and the life of my family, there again, reward was greater than the risk. Looking back at my life, I have never really taken that huge risk in life. I've always wanted to, but every time, I chickened out. I have encouraged others to take a bigger risk, but never have myself. Call me a hypocrite if you want, but the tide is about to change.
Every time that I stood at my own personal precipice, held my arms wide open, looked down at the unknown, I stepped back and took the path of least resistance. This time it's different, this time I have no fear or reservation. This time I will take that leap, fall into the unknown, and risk it all for great success. These type of moments are the ones that test our resolve, our determination, and our faith. I will not waiver, I will not allow fear to stop me, and I know that great rewards come to those who take great risks.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Saturday, July 7, 2012
You Can Run and Hide
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Have You Ever Lead A Horse To Water?
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
Take your knowledge and press on toward your dreams and goals. Use it to create the life that you dare to aspire to live. You are worthy of your dreams, you deserve to live them, and you deserve your best. Change your life and your life will change. Do it long enough, and watch the lives of those around you begin to change as well. Impact your life and you can impact the world.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Saturday, June 23, 2012
A Title Does Not Make A Leader
Saturday, June 16, 2012
It's About What We Left
My Dad died when I was almost 3 and I have no memories of him, only photos and story that people have shared with me. But, the stories that have been shared with me, have helped me realize that even though he was taken from me at an early age, he left a legacy that has lived on through the years. My Mom says that I am very much like my Dad. People who knew my Dad, say the same thing. I have heard so many wonderful stories about my Dad. How caring he was, his work ethic, and his family values. What he has left behind is a life that touched many people. I know that my Dad would be proud of me.
When I was 15, my Mom got remarried and my step-Dad entered my life. Needless to say, I was not always the role model kids. I had temper issues and was a very typical rebellious teenager. My parents had their hands full. But my step-Dad has always been there for me and has always supported me. He never gave up on me becoming a responsible adult. Thank you for your love and support.
In 2005 I too became a step-Dad. I have tried my best to follow the great example that my step-Dad was to me. Even though we are not as close as I would like to be, I know that she knows I am always there for her. I love being a step-Dad too.
It's not what we leave for our children, it's what we leave in them. I hope that when I am gone, my children can look back, with a smile on their faces and in their hearts, at the legacy that I have left for them. Be the role model in your kids' life. Even if you have stumbled in the past, you can begin to create that legacy today.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Monday, June 4, 2012
A Mirror Image
Who and what we are today are results of the choices that we have made in the past. When you look in the mirror, you might see an overweight person, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a failure as a spouse or parent, or something else. The point is, you see that because that is what you have created. Now, you can blame your present situation on anything you want. You can say that is was because I was raise in the projects, my Mom didn't love me, my Dad abandoned me, I was bullied in school, I was molested, I was abused, or what ever else might have happened to you. All these things that have happened to you, is not who you are. You are a product of how you decided to react to these situations. Stop playing the blame game and having pity parties for you past. The only reason that it is holding you back is because you are still carrying that baggage. The only reason that you are not where you want to be in life is because you are allowing your past to dictate your future. You are allowing the image that you see in the mirror to become your reality.
Where you have been in life, what you have done, and what has happened to you, has nothing to do with where you can be in life. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your past has nothing to do with your future, because it does. You have a choice to make, will your past make you or break you? You can allow it to continue to prevent you from accomplishing your greatness or you can use it as a tool and motivation to accomplishing your greatness.
I allowed that imagine in the mirror to control my life for years. All I saw was that "short, fat kid", the kids that was told, "your dumb and will never amount to anything." Yes, my Father died when I was 3, yes, my brother died when I was 2, yes, I was abused as a kid, yes, I was bullied in school, and yes, I failed with my first marriage. I could have used any one of these things to just give up and chose to live less then what I was capable of. But I knew that I had more in me. I knew that I could accomplish something more than mediocrity. I had heart to move on. No it didn't happen over night, some of my image problems carried into my thirties. I was not going to allow my past to create my future. Sure, if I would have dealt with some of these issues sooner, my life might be different. But the point is, I never gave up.
So the next time that you look in the mirror, realize that you are staring face to face with your greatness.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Kids On A Leash
My parents, ex in-laws, and current in-laws have all told me that I am or have been too strict on my kids. My daughter(from a previous marriage) is now 20, and my son(from my current marriage) is 9. I'm sure, that from their views, I have been too strict on my kids. I have high standards on how I think that my kids should act. Do I expect perfection, no. But I do expect them to act right. I never heard a complaint from any of them about one of my kids acting up whenever they had them. Many times, I would hear stories about how strangers complimented them on how well their grand kids behaved where ever they might have taken them.
Here is what has worked for me. I believe that when kids are small, you have to keep the leash on them tight and close to you. Be firm, set the standards that you expect, and stick to it. My kids have had things taken away from them, ground for weeks on end, and yes, I believe in a firm swat on the rear is occasionally needed. Children need to learn and understand early on that there are rules and guidelines that have to be followed in life and especially in public. My kids get to go to the toy aisle, after I am done shopping, if we didn't have any problems. I believe in rewarding good behavior, not just punishing the bad. I've always told my kids how I appreciate how good they were in a given situation. I've always scorned the action but never the child. Our kids aren't bad, but their actions, sometimes are.
As my children have began to grow up and they start wanting to have some freedoms, like playing at the neighbors house, going on a bike ride with friends, driving, dating, and so on, I have been confident that they know my rules and because I have kept the leash tight, I have some to give. It's an understanding that I can and will quickly pull that leash back if they get out of line. The more that they show they can handle the more that I can let go of the leash.
Too many times, I have seen parents struggling with teens that they allowed to just run as kids. If you give all the slack out when they are toddlers and young children, I believe that it is next to impossible to reign that leash back in when they are teens. We, as parents, have a responsibility to our children. We need to raise them to be upstanding members of society. They need to understand and have respect for rules and others. I am confident that I could let my kids go alone into a store, restaurant, or any other public place and they wouldn't act a fool. Their age, yes, but not act up. I love my children, but they know that Dad will be stern when they get out of line.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Saturday, May 19, 2012
The Mosaic of Life
Many of us have had things happen in our lives that we consider to be broken. Broken families, relationships, careers, marriages, and hearts. These things can have such lasting effects on our lives. They can cause us to distort our view of life. They can keep us from being truly happy in life. Worse yet, they can severely limit our possibilities of ever having a healthy relationship, marriage, or career again. We refuse to let go of the hurt, the grudges, the disappointments, and scares left behind. We carry around the baggage left behind by there things like they are a badge of honor. We love sharing these battle scars with whomever will listen. Looking for someone to justify our feelings and join our pity party.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
My Unattended Bushes
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Just Wait
This week's blog is a perfect example. There is usually about seven days between my posts and I haven't posted in about twelve. I knew that I needed to write, but nothing was coming to me. I waited and waited and waited. Nothing. So tonight I decided to just begin a blog, with not real topic, and see what happens. This is what happened. I hope that this helped you.
Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A Distorted View of Happiness
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Fight or Flight...We Have A 3rd Option
In the human fight or flight response in prehistoric times, fight was manifested in aggressive, combative behavior and flight was manifested by fleeing potentially threatening situations, such as being confronted by a predator. In current times, these responses persist, but fight and flight responses have assumed a wider range of behaviors. For example, the fight response may be manifested in angry, argumentative behavior, and the flight response may be manifested through social withdrawal, substance abuse, and even television viewing.
Males and females tend to deal with stressful situations differently. Males are more likely to respond to an emergency situation with aggression (fight), while females are more likely to flee (flight), turn to others for help, or attempt to defuse the situation – 'tend and befriend'. During stressful times, a mother is especially likely to show protective responses toward her offspring and affiliate with others for shared social responses to threat.
The fight or flight response has changed to our everyday activities. We get home from a long day at work, the kids have their activities that they need ran from here to there to, and we still need to find time for supper. Once all of that has been completed, we may have time for some TV, an hour at the gym, or maybe we can take some time and catch up on Facebook. I know that my days seem much like this. And that only covers Monday through Friday. The weekend? Laundry, yard work, cleaning, home repairs, and more activities to run the kids to. With our busy schedules, we are either fighting to get it all done, or we flight away from some of the things that are important to us because they seem to be going smoothly.
What I mean by flight away is, that we begin to ignore the relationships closest to us, our passion for our career, true happiness, and so forth because they give us the illusion that they are fine. We ignore the warning signs of a failing marriage, the fact that we "have" to go to work instead of wanting to go to work, and signs that our life isn't where we want it to be. We begin settling and just surviving our lives.
I believe that we have an opportunity be develop a thrive response to our lives. Sure it's not always easy to get out of our comfort zone and reach for that which we truly desire, but we are so worth the effort. Anything worth having is worth working for. Are you worth your best? Is being truly happy worth working toward? Believe that you were put on this earth to thrive. Know that you deserve a life that is thriving. For a plant to grow and thrive, they dig their roots deeper and reach for the sunlight. Work on becoming who it is that you want to be by working on yourself and reaching those roots deep so that you can't easily be shaken. Reach for the sun by reaching for your dream and passions.