Sunday, October 13, 2013

Beginning Again

In my last blog post, The Gambler, I talked about how I needed to go back to the beginning and start over. I have taken the opportunity to do just that. But not exactly the way I had planned. After talking to a new friend on facebook this past week, she reignited my desire to write my book. I've know for some  time now that I have wanted and needed to do this. However, I allowed myself to procrastinate it. So, I promised to her that I would begin working on my book today. I am proud to say that I have the rough drafts of the Preface and three chapters. This has been such and exhilarating and freeing experience. I've always known that I had a book in me, I was just being lazy. 

Parts of my book are coming from my blog posts, so I have been able to go back to the beginning of this journey and remind myself, why, I began in the first place. When I started this blog, it was to inspire others. Then I realized that it was also therapeutic for me as well. Now, this blog has once again transformed into something that I didn't see when I began. It is now the inspiration for my book and is like pouring fuel on the fire that got reignited earlier this week.

It feels really good to be able to go back and begin again. Only this time I get to do it with a fresh set of eyes and new knowledge to apply to it. I know that this restart of sorts, will only make me better. This restart isn't about failure, but about going back to the foundation that I started with. It's a chance to check for cracks that might have occurred over the past few years. It's a chance reacquaint myself with my passion again. I seem to have lost some focus and got some things distorted. I had lost some of my reason for this journey and got lost in results. This journey was never intended to be result driven, but rather about the opportunity to help others. I may have touched lives that I will never know about and I am okay with that. It's not about me, it's about helping others.

One final note. I am so thankful for the family and friends in my life. As much as I have tried to inspire and motivate them, many times they, without knowing, have done just that for me. Whether we know it or not, we are all living in a very interconnected universe. All of our actions or lack thereof, have an effect on others. Please remember this when you interact with others. We all have the chance to inspire change in another. We all know about being the change that we want to see in this world. Just make sure that we are showing it outwardly and allowing others to see it. Thank you to everyone that has been there in this journey and rest assured that things are once again looking up. I knew that this valley couldn't hold me for long. The view from the mountain top has been calling me, I just need that "kick in the butt" to begin my assent once again.

Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome to be your very best.

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