Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Fool In Me

I have been foolish in my life. I have confused contentment with happiness. I decided to settle for what is instead of what I deserved. I took the easy route in life. I repeatedly lied to others to make myself feel better about what I was doing because they would then support my lack of action. I then began to lie to myself to cover up the pain of settling. I even put on a great front to mask my internal struggle to the world. I did this for so long that I actually began to believe my own lies. I started believing that this was it, I had arrived and I was happy. Once I truly started to believe it, it was easy to walk the walk and talk the talk. My contentment became the new happiness that I had settled for. This is where I am supposed to be, this is who I am to share my life with, this is the job that I am to have, this is the new me. The new me that believed that I was content where I was at and would be happy with it.

This story is very true about me. This story applies to jobs that I have had, relationships that I have been in, and the personal struggle that I created within my life. I allowed myself to settle for less in my life so that I didn't have to work for a higher standard. I allowed myself to be content with jobs that weren't my destiny. I allowed the relationships in my life to be less than what I deserved. I allowed myself to struggle financially because it was easier than the alternative of striving for success. I had lied to myself so long that I couldn't even believe what I was tell me. I had become a fake and a fraud to myself. 

The hardest truths are the ones that we have to tell and accept of ourselves. When we can finally come to grips with where we are in life, why were are here, and how we got here, a new life can begin. But until then, you will be stuck being a fool and confusing contentment with happiness. Once you accept the responsibility for your life, and how you got to where you are, then you can begin the journey of rediscovering the real you. Then you can move on to becoming the person that you were destined to become and live that life that you deserve. 

Now that you have read this, it's gut check time. Do you have what it takes to start being real with yourself or will you continue to play the part of the fool? Will you stop the lies and begin again on the path to the person that you were destined to be? Make the right choice. Stop being content and start being happy.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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