Friday, November 30, 2012


As I walk the streets, I am merely a man without a face, a man that blends into a crowd, and  goes unnoticed. I have never really had the desire to be the center of attention. My name up in lights, my face on TV or on magazines, or being recognized by the masses is not on my list of things to do. I have a very simple goal, help others to help themselves. I cannot change people, they can only change themselves. I can be a light to them when they are in a dark place, be that helping hand when they have fallen, and I can cheer them on as they achieve their goals. I am okay with being in the background. I am okay with being "unknown" but don't get it twisted, my message will be heard. I may be faceless but I am definitely not voiceless. I will he heard and I will reach the masses. If you have been following since the beginning, I thank you. If you are just find my blog, I hope that you enjoy it and continue to follow me. This journey is just getting started. I have learned patients and I know that my work will not go unrewarded. The Universe will respond to the seeds that I have planted to help others. My time will come and opportunities will arrive because I refuse to give up. Refuse to give up on your own dreams and passion and your efforts will be rewarded. Take a step everyday toward the life that you want to live and toward to person that you want to be. See it clearly, work on you, and watch amazing things happen. Life is such an amazing blessing once you accept that you are in control of how you experience it. Surround yourself with people that build you up and rid yourself of those who are holding you back and keeping you from the happiness that you deserve. 

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life Hoarders

I have seen a few episodes of the show Hoarders. I can relate how they can let their house get out of hand, it happened to me when I was going through a really rough time in my own life. I always find it interesting, the things that these people hang on to. Looking from the outside in, much of it doesn't make any sense to me. I understand that it is a serious psychological problem that these people have and they need the help that is being offered to them. These people have had some serious things happen to them in life and many times that is some of the biggest root causes of their hoarding. In my life, I have been guilty of hoarding as well. I have hoarded my struggles, my set backs, and those things that have happened to me that prevented me from moving on in life. I held on to growing up without a Dad, being verbally and physically abused by a man that was suppose to be my step-dad, my failure in not being further along in my career, and I'm sure that there has been more. I held on to these things like they were important in my life and let them define who I was becoming. In all actuality, I was hanging into these things and they were holding me back from who I really needed to be and the person that I was designed to be. The struggles that we experience in life are not meant to define us, but rather help create us. They are merely lesson to be learned to help us develop the person that we were designed to be. If you think that you were not designed to be great and to fulfill a purpose, you are sorely mistaken. We all have a destiny to fulfill and holding onto those things that hurt us, severely hinders this process. Let go and begin the process of moving forward. Begin to hoard those things in your life that add value to it. The times that you spend with loved ones, the accomplishments that you have made, and if nothing else, the fact that you have made it through all that you have. Take a moment and see what you are hoarding in your life. Are these things adding to your value or are they taking away from that value? Are these things a reason to become better or are they the reason you are stuck in a rut? Be honest with yourself when you answer these questions. Don't let yourself off the hook, but love yourself through the process.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm NOT Dr. Phil?

I have been told that I look like a couple of different celebrities but Dr. Phil is not one of them. However, a few weeks ago, I was told that I sound like him. It's not the southern accent, but how he deals with some of the people on his show. Some of my family members watch The Dr. Phil Show on a fairly regular basis. I don't have the background that Dr. Phil does but I have coached several people to a better place in their life. I have also been able to learn from other people's challenges and transfer that information to my knowledge to help others. I don't expect to have the massive success the way that Dr. Phil has had but I do have a very similar desire and passion to help others. I find it interesting how some of my family members take in the information and advice that Dr. Phil gives. How they look at him as a place to help them resolve issues in their own lives. Now, I'm not disagreeing with them about the knowledge that Dr. Phil has. I think that Dr. Phil is very knowledgeable and I too appreciate how he handles many of his guests. Him and I share many of the same concepts and beliefs as to how to get results in moving from one place in our life to where we would like to be. What I find interesting is that they will listen to Dr. Phil but I can say the very same thing and I seem to get ignored. It can be a bit frustrating for me, but I think that I have figured out why this happens. Because I am so close to the situation, they expect me to just take their side. Sometimes they have wanted me to attend their "pity party." Just so you know, don't invite me to those kind of parties, because I have a tendancy to crash them. Family is not only guilty of this, but so have some of my friends. I know that they are looking for support but I'm the blunt and honest one. I don't fear the repercussion, because I always speak from my heart with their best interest in mind. I love my family and friends, but sometimes they get frustrated with me because my words hurt them. Only because it's not what they want to hear but need to hear. So to my family and friends, keep watching Dr. Phil and or keep asking me for my advice, just keep growing and changing to achieve the results that you want and deserve in your life.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Repeat Offender

We are all guilty of being repeat offenders. We have wronged the same person more than once. We have lied, broken the speed limit, and maybe even stolen more than once. Now some of these many seem trivial, our biggest crime are those that we commit upon ourselves. We repeatedly make the same mistakes when choosing a mate. We continually neglect our job and wonder why we are unhappy with it. We complain about not having any money and yet we waste what we do have. We keep shooting ourselves in the foot thinking that some how, this time it will be different. We tell ourselves that today we will choose happiness and yet we continually choose actions that take away from our happiness. We are hurting not only ourselves but those closest to us as well. We wonder why we seem to be stuck in a rut, it's because we keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. And that, my friends, is the definition of insanity. Why do we do thing? We want our lives to be different and yet we keep repeating the things that are holding us back. Change is tough, uncomfortable, and takes persistence. It's easy to do those things that we have always done. We start down the road to change and when time gets tough, we revert to what's comfortable. It's not just our actions that hold us back, but it's also our thought process. If you can change your perspectives and thoughts, you can change your life. You have to be patient with this process. It will take time and a lot of hard work. You didn't get into your current situation over night, you won't get out of it over night. Be patient with yourself, have confidence in yourself and plans, and execute. Stop the cycle of being a repeat offender. You owe it to yourself.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big.

Friday, November 2, 2012

My Political View...You Have Been Warned

With the elections just a few days away, we are all being inundated with all of these political facebook posts, junk mail ,telemarketers, and commercials. I thought that I would take a moment and express my personal views. In no way shape or form am I supporting any candidate or political party. I might even get "unfriended" because of what I am about to say.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, the system that we are nominating them into is broken. We have become a country that is being run by a government instead of a government being ran by the people. Until we fix the problem, the absolute power that our government has will continue to corrupt the majority that we vote in. There is no longer a system of checks and balances, but a system of payoff and kickbacks. Our government was first established to serve the people not to take advantage of them. Until we, as a nation, rise up and take back that power that we have allowed the government to take from us, we will never be that great nation that we once were. Now don't get me wrong, I love America and I am proud to be an American. But we have become complacent in our ways. Our freedoms are slowly and quietly being taken from us as we turn a blind eye and let it happen. 

I am, by no means, a political or historical scholar. But this is how I see it. How do we fix it? I don't have an exact plan, but something has to be done. I think that we should start with a six year term with no chance of reelection. Once your term is over, you have six months of unemployment to find a new job them you are back to the working class like the rest of us. No more life time benefits. Having to go back into the working class might change your mind about some of the legislation you have to vote on. With a candidate only being in office for six years, I think that it would limit some of the P.A.C. money because they know that that person can only help them for so long. Also, do we really need the electoral college anymore? We have the technology to cast votes for an American Idol, we should be able to come up with a winner with just a popular vote. 

Okay, so I got that off my chest. I'm not telling you who to or not to vote for. I still believe that if you don't vote you have no right to complain about who gets elected. It's time for us to take a stand as a nation of people and stop allowing the politicians to run our lives. We are still the voice and heartbeat of this great nation that we live in. Be heard and let them know that the country's life blood still run through us.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Let Me Tickle Your Ear

You are okay. There is nothing about you that you need to change. It's okay that you spend your money on partying every weekend. It's okay that spending time with your friends instead of your spouse and kids. It's fine that you invest your time with TV instead of investing in yourself. You don't need to read and educate yourself, you already have all the answers. Just keep doing what you have been doing, there is no room for improvement. The people that you have surrounded yourself with will be there for you when you most need them. I think that I have covered most of the bases. I have told you everything that would tickle you ear and keep you where you are in life. After all, it's where you want to be right? Everything is just fine, right? Stop allowing yourself these excuses and stop allowing others to support these excuses. If the people in your life are enabling your poor behavior, find new friends. If you are justifying your actions, STOP. You will never live the life that you desire and deserve until you stop playing these games. Invest discretionary money and time on bettering yourself. Books, seminars, lectures, and so forth. I'm not saying that you can't go out and occasionally have some fun. Gut we have to learn the difference between and investment and an expenditure. Time at the expenditure. Time with your loved ones(not at a bar) investment. Investments, most of the time, take time to see the return. As much as we like to think we do, we don't have all the answers. The answers to some of the most important questions that we have in life are outside of ourselves. Others have gone before us and have left hints to where we should be in our life. I may never be a world renowned speaker and coach, but what I will be is true to myself and truthful with you. I will never sugar coat my words and message. I believe that the truth will set you free, but that truth comes at a cost. That cost is your comfort, your vision of you current self, and maybe even your self integrity. Stop allowing yourself and others to keep you from your greatness. Be bold enough to move past where you are in life and start down a path that will lead you to the person that you wholeheartedly want and deserve to be. It's your life, are you going to make excuses or are you going to make changes? Live your greatness.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!!!