Sunday, February 26, 2012

Where Did You Come From?

I'll get to my message in a moment, but first I just want to share something with everyone. PLEASE, reap into your life, with faith knowing that it will happen, tend to that which you have sown, with faith that it will grow into something greater than you can imagine, and be patient for the right time to reap, and it will be spectacular. That which I have sown, over a year ago, is just now starting to be harvested and words cannot explain how I feel about what I am being blessed with.

So here is what has been on my heart as of late. I love the Rocky movies and every since I was a kid, there was always one line that stood out in my mind. I don't think that I have it word for word, but you will get the idea. 

"Don't forget where you came from and what it took to get you here."

I had a very humble beginning in retail. I worked as a bottle boy at a local grocery store, sorting out glass beer, wine, and pop bottles to be send back to the bottlers. It was a dirty job that nobody wanted, it was where nobody saw me, and I was the one who always got called to clean up messes in the store when things got broken. Kind of the bottom of the bottom. From that position, I wanted to prove that I was worth more than that. I worked my tail off and less than a year later, my co-workers voted me employee of the month. As my career in retail moved from company to company and position to position, I never forgot that experience as a bottle boy. 

I have had the opportunity to be the store manager of several stores and for a few different companies and I've kept those words close to my heart, "Never forget where you came from and what it took to get you here." I've always reminded myself what it feels like to be that cashier, stocker, janitor, and even assistant manager. I remember the work that I had to put in in all of those position to get where I am today. The blood, sweat, and tears of being in those positions.

Now when I say "don't forget", it doesn't mean to let your past hold you back. Don't allow your past to define your future. But stay humble, grounded, and relate-able to those who haven't made it to where you are yet. I have had those kind of people in my life, both personally and professionally. Remember the work, commitment, and faith that it took to get you where you are. We all have had struggles in life. But those struggles have no place in holding us back and limiting our belief in ourselves. Make your make on this world and those in it by "Remembering where it is you came from and what it has taken to get you here."

And remember, if you aren't where you want to be, today is the day to begin that chapter in your life.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm Sorry, But You Have Been Chopped

One of my favorite shows is "Chopped" on the Food Network. For those of you who have not seen it, I will try to briefly explain it. It starts out with four contestants(chefs) for the appetizer round. They are instructed to make an appetizer that will be judged on taste, presentation, and creativity from the mix of ingredients in their mystery basket in twenty minutes. I will explain the mystery basket in a moment. After the appetizer round, someone is chopped(sent home) and three go on to the entree round, this time with thirty minutes with the same instructions. After the entree round, another person is chopped and two move onto the dessert round. Same instructions and time limit as the entree round. At the end of the dessert round, they pick a winner based on their overall meal(appetizer, entree, and dessert) and that winner wins a cash prize. Now for the mystery basket, it is just that a mystery. I have seen everything from snake to gummy bears in these baskets. They seem to always throw one item in that doesn't fit. Like the whole canned chicken in the appetizer round.

So, after all of that, here is what I am getting at. Every morning when we wake up, we are handed a mystery basket. We have no choice but to open it and deal with what is inside. Sure we could just stay in bed all day and ignore it, but that just means that tomorrow there will be two to deal with. When we open our baskets, it is our responsibility to make the most of what has been given to us. We can just take the ingredients and plop them on the plate and go on, or we can use that abilities and wisdom(adding from the pantry of goodies that is available to all the contestants) that we have and make that best of it. If we just ignore the ingredients and don't manipulate them in any way, we must settle for what life hands us and move on. On the other hand, if we take what life has given us, manipulate we have the opportunity to create something very special and memorable. Sure, all the chefs are highly trained and have years of experience, but so are you when it comes to your life. Nobody is capable of creating your life better than you. 

So what's it going to be? Will you settle for a life of mixed up ingredients that do nothing but leave a bad taste in your mouth or will you use your abilities to create a life that leaves not only you, but those who have judged you, craving more? Only you can "chop" you from this reality show, by just giving up.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Thursday, February 9, 2012

And The Rain Began To Fall

As many of you know I have spent the last year working on myself. Over twenty-five books in about thirteen months. Countless hours of motivational audio. All of this time, money, and work (invested not spent) to accomplish little to no outward physical evidence. So you might ask yourself, "Why would you make those kind of sacrifices for so long with not reward?" My answer is simple, "I have chosen to follow who I was destined to be instead of who I had become by default." I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. This passion has always been inside of me and I have even had times that I started to consider it to become a career but I continued to choose what I was instead of what I could be. 

My first real job, at 16, was at a local grocery store. And since my Mom taught me a strong work ethic, I excelled. I continued to stay in retail and worked my way into a store manager position.vI have since been in retail for over twenty years, and still currently am, mostly because it was what I knew and was good at it. I believe that the fear to take a leap of faith in myself and that fact that I got comfortable and complacent where I was at prevented me from realizing and pursuing my passion.

The first time I was introduced to the world of Motivational Speaking and Personal Development was when I was twenty. I was amazed at the things that I was learning and applying to my life. But having the mentality of "the short fat kid in school", I didn't see that I was destined nor did I feel that I had what it took to pursue that career. Then in November of 2010, and the only way to explain it is, something inside of me snapped. It was like all of a sudden I realized what it was that I had to do with my life. In some ways I wish I could say that it some miraculous event but I'll take it none the less. I knew that I have always been able to encourage and help others with their problems. Throughout my life, friends, family, and sometimes even strangers have came to me for advice. Everytime that I had a chance to touch a life, no matter the outcome, I always felt a sense of pride and peace about what I did because I knew that I shared my heart.

All of this being said, I have now entered into a point in my personal development when the rain has began to fall on all the seeds that have been planted and the crops are just beginning to peek through the soil. I know that what my mind's eye can see isn't even close to the harvest that I will be able to reap. But, I know that this is right where I am suppose to be and my passion is my passion.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Friday, February 3, 2012

What vs. Who

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" We have ask children this questions for decades. We seem to always the the cute answers like, a fireman, policeman, baseball player, football player, doctor, and so on. I believe that it is very important that we keep these kinds of dreams and aspirations alive in our children and ourselves. The importance of a having a dream is immeasurable.

I would like to pose a new question for children and adults alike. This answers to this question I feel are even more important that those of the previous question. "Who do you want to be when you grow up?" Now I'm not talking in the sense of becoming like someone famous because we are all unique and have to become individuals. I am talking about become the person who we desire to be. The person who has upstanding morals and values. The person who is a leader, who is respected by their peers, who gives back to the world in which they live.

We spend so much time focused on our career that we forget about who we are becoming and end up some where else by fault. Sometimes we become exactly the who we don't want to be. Take a good look in the mirror, or better yet, ask a close friend who will be completely honest with you, "Who have I become?" Some of the answers may surprise you. I know that there are things in my life that I am working on to become the kind of who that I want to be. Are we the who we want our children to emulate? Are we the who that coworkers look up to? Are we the who that people can trust and call on in times of need?

Dreams and goals are wonderful things, but who are we becoming in the process. Make becoming the who that you desire to be part of your asperations in life. Become your own best role-model.

I also want to touch on another side note this week and that is, "Take time to smell the roses."  We get so busy with the everyday hustle and bustle of our lives, take time with those closest to you. Invest in your loved ones, because they are  the ones who will hold you up when time get tough. Hopefully they are your biggest fans and supporters. Also, take time for yourself. Sometimes we just need to get away, even if for just a few minutes. Find your inner peace and rest in all that you have accomplished. You and your loved ones deserve the best of you.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big