Saturday, November 26, 2011

Second-Class Citizenship

The definition of a second-class citizen is a person considered inferior in status or rights in comparison with some others. I believe that many of us have been a second-class citizen at some point in our lives or might even feel like they are one right now. I know that I have been a second-class citizen at times in my life. I have been poor, homeless, worked what some would consider menial jobs, and have lived in a trailer(mobile home) more than once. One, if not more, of these could classify me as a second-class citizen at different times in my life. I know that there are many other factors that could cause someone to be considered a second-class citizen but none of these are what I would like for you to take into consideration.

When we deprive ourselves our birthright of being happy and living up to our fullest potential as a human being, aren't we really relegating ourselves to second-class citizenship? It's not that we are inferior, but we place ourselves in an inferior situation when we ignore our happiness and passions in life. We are capable of far more that what we allow ourselves to accomplish. Some are afraid of failure, some success, and still others are plain lazy. I understand that it's easier to just ignore what our heart wants, especially when it will take work to make it happen. With time, that nagging feeling of accomplishing what it is that you have always wanted to do will subside, but it will never completely go away. From time to time, your heart will remind you of the "what if's" of what your life could be like. It will remind you that you are not a second-class citizen, but a first-class human being, with a hidden passion that needs to be fulfilled. No one can accomplish your dreams and goals but you and no one can make you completely happy but you. 

It's time to turn in your second-class citizenship card and go after that which has caused you many restless nights.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Laying On A Nail

The story goes, that one day a man was taking a walk and passed by a house with some people sitting on the porch talking. As he walked by he noticed that there was a dog laying on the porch as well that was moaning and groaning. The man decided to ask the man on the porch, "Why is your dog moaning and groaning?" The man replied, "Because he's laying on a nail." "Well why won't he get off?", the man asked. He answers, "Because it's not hurting bad enough to get off, just bad enough to moan and groan."

How many times in our lives have we been like that dog? The situations that we find ourselves in aren't bad enough to take action to correct, but we have no problem complaining about them. I believe that if we are not willing to take the actions to correct the nail(s) in our lives, that we should stop complaining about them. We have a job that we don't like, our kids are acting up, the dishwasher is broken, our coworkers and or mate aren't being supportive of us, and the list goes on and on of what we complain about on a daily basis. Stop wasting your time and energy on the stuff that you aren't willing to fix. It just brings you down and those around you. If it's something that is out of your control, then just walk away from that nail in your life. No need to concern yourself with it, like all the drama that others want to force you to listen to and take their side on. 

I have had and still do have nails in my life but I stopped concerning myself with them and I have done everything that I can to move away from the things that I don't like in my life. It's amazing how, when I concern myself with what I can do about the situations that I have control over, how the little things that used to bother me so much really don't matter anymore. I have learned to stop moaning and groaning about the nails in my life by getting up, moving, and concerning myself with the good things in my life. I would implore you to just try this for the next week. Every time that a situation in your life becomes uncomfortable and you want to moan and groan about it, get up and move you, if possible, and more importantly your thoughts, to what makes you happy.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Somthing So Simple Meant So Much

As many of you know, I have spent the last eleven months working on me and preparing myself to accomplish my passions and dreams. Twenty plus books and hours of motivational/educational videos and CD's to help me get my mind and spirit in line with who I want to be as a person and where I need to be in my professional life. I have had the opportunity to meet some great new friends, speak to two High School classes, share my vision with several individuals, and learn a lot about myself along the way. I have taken most of the negatives out of my life, those that I have control over, and replaced them with the the positive stuff that I need.

The past eleven months haven't been completely easy. I have had many days filled with self-doubt, fear, impatience, and wanting to quit. There have been many days that I questioned if this is really what I wanted to even do. Giving up would be easier, and just go on on the career path that I have been doing for the past nineteen years. I make good money, I know what I am doing, and I've been doing it so long that it's not really work anymore, it's more like a habit. But I realize that giving up on my passion would mean that I would be giving up on a certain amount of happiness and fulfilling what I believe to be my true calling in life. Those two things are not something that I am willing to risk. I have played it safe long enough, time for me to step out and take a risk.

We live in in society of instant gratification but I understand that I didn't get to my current place in life overnight, so it will take some time to get out of it. It's going to take some time for me to start reaping the benefits of my efforts. A couple of days ago I received and email from a friend of mine, telling me that "he reads a lot of my posts on Facebook and that it has encouraged him to follow his dream no matter the obstacle." Now this may seem like something small and not much of a reward for eleven months of work to most people but this meant the world to me. It encouraged me to continue down the path that I have started down towards my passions in life no matter what obstacles I may encounter. The rewards will come from out of nowhere and when you least expect them. I'm not sure what 2012 has in store for me, but I do know that as long as I stay true to my passions and dreams happiness will follow.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's Ok To Be Selfish

I am sure that most of us consider ourselves to be unselfish people. We give of ourselves when and where we can. We especially go out of our way for family and close friends. We help people move, we give to our favorite charities, we donate our time to helping those in need, and we even send encouraging messages to those hurting. These are the kinds of action that we should do for others without expecting something in return and these are very unselfish acts.

All of this is well and good but we need to be more selfish. It doesn't mean that we stop doing those things that I have mentioned, but it means that we need to work on our own happiness. We get so caught up in all of the dramas of everyday life that we neglect ourselves. When struggles happen in life we get so worked up over them that we begin to forget about being happy. When our focus is not on ourselves and what makes us happy we are then less effective in helping others not to mention that fact that is begins to effect those closest to us without even saying a word. 

The lack of happiness triggers depression and what good are you to those who mean the most to you if you are depressed? We have become society of rush, rush, rush, that we put our own needs aside for the sake of others. But what good are we when we are less than 100%? I can personally testify that what I am saying is true. I made a decision almost a year ago that I was going to work on me and what makes me happy because I know that if I am happy I am of more value to those around me. Sure, I have still had my tough times, but it's a process and it takes time to reprogram your brain to pursue your happiness. Figure out what makes you happy in life and go after that. When we direct our thoughts and actions toward what makes us happy, the struggles in life will fight to get the attention that they were used to. The struggles will start to seem like the "small things" and we all know not to "sweat the small things."

What we are and who we become are all products of our thoughts and actions. If you are in an unhappy relationship, unhappy with your job, unhappy with your car or home stop dwelling on it. Turn your attention to what is making you happy and things will start turning around for you. Remember that you didn't get in this rut overnight and you won't get out overnight. But trust me on this, the results far out weigh the effort.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big