Thursday, July 26, 2012

Squeezing The Life Out Of A Dream

Can we hang on too tightly to a dream? Can we suffocate a dream? My answer is "yes" to both of these questions. Allow me to explain. Having a dream, pursuing a dream, and achieving a dream are some of the most important keys to success. Success in business, relationships, health, and any other area of your life. These are the foundation to building an incredible life. 

When I began my journey, almost two years ago, I know what I wanted to do with my life. I knew that I wanted to help others. I knew that I had a gift that needed to be shared. I was tired of running from it, I was tired of ignoring it, and it was time to get serious about it. I knew that what ever I set my mind, heart, and soul to do, I could accomplish it. I knew where I wanted to go, but I refused to limit how I was going to get there, how long it should take, and what it would look like when I got there. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't put a date on your dreams, but understand, it might take longer and less time than you planned. I think, too many times we get frustrated and quit because it isn't happening exactly like we planned. 

Give your dreams, plans, and time frames room to breathe. Don't put a strangle hold on them. They need to be nurtured, fed, watered, and given plenty of sunlight. Feed your dreams with knowledge, water your dreams action, and give them the sunlight with filling your life with positive. I have learned so much in my journey and have so much more to learn. I am amazed at how much my life has changed, my family's life has changed, and the change that I have seen in those around me. I am so very thankful and blessed to be where I am today, but I couldn't have done it with out first changing something in me.

Don't allow your frustrations win, fight for your dreams, and believe that what your have dreamed is only the tip of the iceberg of what the universe really has in store for you. You can achieve it, if you only believe it.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Me and My Precipice

A friend of mine recently said that he has had the opportunity to stand at the top of a cliff, spread his arms wide open, and take the leap off. Now, he was talking about it in a metaphoric sense, but the idea is the same. We all have had those opportunities, to take that leap of faith, to throw caution to the wind, and go for whatever it is that we desire in life. Everyday that we wake up and get out of bed, we throw a certain amount of caution to the wind. Living just comes with a certain amount of risk.

The thing is, most of our everyday risks are greatly outweighed but the reward. Getting in a car is a far greater reward than walking 30 miles to work. Everyday our brain analyzes the risks that we are taking versus the rewards of doing those things. If the risks are to great, we step back and go a different and more familiar path. We are creatures of habit for the most part and choose those actions which cause us the least amount of stress, pain, and resistance. I have long been one of those people, my analytical brain surveys the situation and creates rational lists of pros and cons of why I should and shouldn't proceed in a particular direction in my life.

I dropped out of college and began a career in retail, not much risk there. I've moved several times in my career to better myself and the life of my family, there again, reward was greater than the risk. Looking back at my life, I have never really taken that huge risk in life. I've always wanted to, but every time, I chickened out. I have encouraged others to take a bigger risk, but never have myself. Call me a hypocrite if you want, but the tide is about to change.

Every time that I stood at my own personal precipice, held my arms wide open, looked down at the unknown, I stepped back and took the path of least resistance. This time it's different, this time I have no fear or reservation. This time I will take that leap, fall into the unknown, and risk it all for great success. These type of moments are the ones that test our resolve, our determination, and our faith. I will not waiver, I will not allow fear to stop me, and I know that great rewards come to those who take great risks.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Saturday, July 7, 2012

You Can Run and Hide

In my early twenties, I figure out what my passion is in life. I realized that I enjoyed helping people. I remember kids coming to me in junior high, telling me their problems and asking for advice. I always got a special sense of happiness from helping them out. Sure, being that young, I only had a certain amount of life experience, but I used what I had. I've also been able to learn from others' life experiences and share that information as well. Helping others was something that I never had to go look for, they always seemed to find me. Age never seemed to be an issue either, I talked with people from all ages. It always made me feel a little extra special, when those with a lot more life experience than me, come to me for advice.

Even though I knew what my passion was in life, I never actually took the steps to pursue it. It seems like, every time that thought about pursuing it, something was in my way. I would run and hide behind whatever that thing was. It was money issues, a job, or lack of opportunities. I would allow these things to stop me from pursuing my passion as a full-time career. I would run to what was convenient or hide behind the obstacles that I saw. Pursuing your passion will take work, but it's worth it.

As much as I tried to run and hide, my passion never left me. It was always there, waiting to remind you that it hasn't left. Maybe I heard a story that reminded me of what I wanted to do, or saw a TV program about someone doing the very thing that you want to do. Our passion isn't there by mistake, I believe that you are born with it. We have a destiny in life and it is tied to your passion. Running and hiding from it only causes you to delay the happiness that you were destined to have.Your real destiny is within you and it wants to be pursued. 

Almost two years ago, I decided that I owed it to myself to finally pursue my passion in life. I have put a lot of work into it and have made some great strides. I know that I still have a long way to go, but every step that I have taken has been more than worth it. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this will one day become my full-time career. My life has changed so much and I'm not looking back. Helping others IS my passion and I will pursue it until the day I die. Today my career as a Motivational Speaker and Life Coach is underway and it will be my legacy.

Don't allow another day pass without taking a step toward pursuing your passion in life. You owe it to yourself, your family, your friends, and the world. 

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Have You Ever Lead A Horse To Water?

We have all heard the saying that, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink." It means that you can share with someone, information, technique, or even a belief, but you can't force them to apply that knowledge. We all have been bombarded with information all of our lives. It begins the moment that we are born and doesn't end until our passing. We are living in what they are calling "The Information Age." We have access to more information than ever before on this planet. If you want to know something, it is pretty much at your fingertips. 

With all of this access, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Who and or what do we believe. What photos have been edited, what articles are biased, what is our government hiding? It is easy to get lost in all of this. It's easy to lose our focus and get steered in the wrong direction from where we started. Trust your heart and intuition. I would encourage everyone to never stop learning. For me personally, much of my enlightenment has come from reading. Knowledge is the light that illuminates our soul. When our soul is illuminated, our dreams and passion begin to burn. When that happens, we begin to see our life in a whole new way. What we once saw as impossible, we now see as possible. 

Now comes the hard part, making the horse drink. You have equipped yourself with this knowledge, but you now have to act on it. It may be religious knowledge, career knowledge, school knowledge, or even life knowledge, but all of it is useless if it's not applied. No one can make you apply yourself. Only you have that can do that. You have to make yourself. Calvin Coolidge said:

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."


 Take your knowledge and press on toward your dreams and goals. Use it to create the life that you dare to aspire to live. You are worthy of your dreams, you deserve to live them, and you deserve your best. Change your life and your life will change. Do it long enough, and watch the lives of those around you begin to change as well. Impact your life and you can impact the world.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big