Sunday, December 15, 2013

Extreme Happiness

I took this photo, of the product above, to show you that I have found "Extreme Happiness." This comes in a perfume form(haven't found a cologne...yet). So all you have to do is to carry it with you every where you go and spray some on you when you feel the need to have some Extreme Happiness in your life. The Extreme Happiness that this product delivers won't last forever but no worries, because you can easily afford this product. I am excited to tell you that this item only costs one dollar per bottle. You can afford to buy multiple bottle and keep one in every room of the house. 

Feeling down about your culinary skills in the kitchen? No problem, you have a bottle of Extreme Happiness!. Watching your favorite sports team lose on the television in the family room? No problem, you have a bottle of Extreme Happiness!. Unpleasant smells coming from the bathroom? No problem, you have a bottle of Extreme Happiness! Was there some "unfinished" business in the bedroom? No problem, you have a bottle of Extreme Happiness!

Get your bottle(s) today and begin experiencing the Extreme Happiness that this product can bring to you and those around you.

I know that it is a silly concept to think that a bottle of perfume can bring you instant Extreme Happiness. It is not more silly than thinking that other things or people can do that for us. It's funny how we search far and wide for happiness. We buy expensive things, just to make long drawn out payments, even long after the newness and happiness has since faded away, only to repeat the cycle over and over again. We undermine the person that we know we should be only to gain approval from others, thinking that that too will make us happy. As long as we are looking outside of ourselves for happiness, it is only temporary. Eventually the newness fades and that sense of happiness that it once brought has faded as well. Then we go looking for the next new happiness.

Our happiness must come from within. It is not something that we can buy with money, time, or affection on something outside of us. Happiness is something that must be planted by us, tended by us, and cultivated by us, within ourselves. Sure, things and people can add to our happiness, but ultimately, it begins and ends with us. You must work on yourself and depend on you for your own happiness. Work on your self-confidence, self-image, and self-worth. I believe that the are the core values that we must develop in ourselves. It is an understanding that our past doesn't define our future. Our future is yet to be determined. We are the creators of our life and how we will live it. We are not victims to circumstances, but directors of how we react and respond to circumstances. Be your reason to be happy. Can't find a reason? You are alive and that, my friends, is reason enough to rejoice. You have within you the ability to be as happy as you choose to be.

Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome to become your very best.