Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is AIAO Life Coaching?

AIAO Life Coaching is something that I am very passionate about, probably it is a part of my dream. AIAO stands for, Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome, more on that later. I am currently working toward getting my Life Coaching Certification. For those of you who aren't completely sure what Life Coaching is, here is what it means to me. My passion is to help people get from where they are in life right now to where they want to be in the future. I cannot make your decisions for you, but I can help you find your drive and passion for what it is you want to accomplish. I can help you find your way through this tangled web that we call life. My success will be based on the success of others. I believe that in order to make it in this life we have to learn how to adapt, improvise, and overcome (AIAO).
The first time that I remember hearing the term AIAO, was when I watched the movie Heartbreak Ridge as a kid. If you haven't seen the movie, what are you waiting for? I have done a little research where this philosophy comes from and I have found out that it is a motto of the Marines. The Marines were once the "red-headed step children" of the military. They got all the hand me downs from the other branches which was usually less than what they needed. They learned to adapt, improvise, and overcome with what they had. It's been said, "It's not what you don't have but what you think you need that keeps you from being successful in life." When I have hit rough times in my life, I knew that I always had two choices. Choice #1: Give up...that's rarely been my style. Choice #2: Adapt to what was happening, improvise(from what I have learned in life), and overcome the situation.
Adapting is about doing what needs to be done now to lessen the effects of whatever is going on in your life that you want to change. It's more about  an immediate physical response to your situation. Improvising is about using what you have to start turning that bad situation into a positive one for your self. Improvising is more of the mental aspect if turning your life around. Once you have done these two things, you can now start the process of overcoming whatever it is in your life that you need to change.
In closing I want to take a minute to thank you for taking the time to read my first blog. I am also planning on launching an AIAO Life Coaching page on Facebook for those of you interesting in learning more about what it is that I am and will be doing with my new venture. 

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