Sunday, December 9, 2012

Why Yes, It Does Revolve Around Me

The world really does revolve around me...sort of. Not in a literal sense but in a figurative sense. What kind of world do you want to live in? What is it that is missing from your world? We have the ability to control one thing in our world, ourselves. We cannot change nor control what others will do. We can be the kindest person and someone will treat us like dirt. We can be the most giving and someone will steal from us. We can be the most loving and someone will still hate us. I would still challenge you to be the kindest, most giving, and most loving person despite what others do or think. My world is what I choose to make of it based upon how I choose to perceive it. I'm not naive enough to believe that the world is all sugar, spice, and everything nice. I know that this world has it's fair share of less than desirable people and situations. I'm secure with this situation because I can choose who is in my circle of friends and I can see possibilities within in every problem. Over the past couple of years, my life has changed so dramatically. I credit to just a couple of things. One, how I decided to perceive myself and two, how I choose to perceive the world around me. These two simple practices have transformed the love in my life, my finances, my career, and my passion for life. I'm not where I want to be but I am a hell of a lot closer than I was when I decided to make a change. But I figured out that the simple principle of reaping what you sow is a life changing thing when you apply it consistently and persistently, This principle WILL transform your life. Not only reaping into your world but reaping in yourself.  Knowing the changes that you want to see in your life and being honest with yourself is the beginning. Don't fear what you cannot change and don't let it keep you from the life that you deserve. Concentrate on what you can do and go make it happen. Because I changed, my world changed and now revolves around me.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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