Thursday, April 25, 2013

Daily Opportunity

Approach each day with the understanding that opportunities await you....because they does. To many times we have the mindset that opportunity is only this huge moment in life. So we cower away from most opportunities because we fear the changes associated with that opportunity and because we fear the unknown. Most of the time, opportunities aren't like that at all. Most of the time, opportunities are small, seemingly insignificant things that we pass on every day. When these seemingly small opportunities present themselves, we very nonchalantly turn away from them, thinking that they are just insignificant and won't change our lives liked we were hoping. We miss so many opportunities in live because we have the wrong mindset. Wake up every morning with the mindset that opportunity awaits you. No matter how small the opportunity may seem, you will seek it out and capture it. The reason this opportunity is there for you, is because you are ready and able to take it. So don't allow fear to hold you back. Don't allow what seems to be insignificant now, hold you back from something that could turn into something huge in the future.Opportunities, come in so many forms that we need to broaden our definition of what we think opportunity really is. Most of the time we only equate opportunity with financial gain. Every day we have the opportunity to brighten someone's day, to lend a helping hand, to educate ourselves, or to broaden our horizons. Sometimes, we are someone's opportunity. Become more open to all this journey in life has to offer. I don't believe that any opportunity is insignificant or pointless. We just merely need to become more open and receptive to what is happening around us. What opportunities will you come into contact with today? What opportunities will you take action on and which ones will you miss because they didn't fit the mold of what you thought opportunities looked like? This blog was inspired by an opportunity that I took just yesterday. I stopped and talked to the branch manager of a bank ,that had expressed some interest in my life coaching, to let her know about my up coming "Val-You Conference." She looked at her calender, and discovered that she will be gone on vacation that day. We discussed some of the difficulties that I was having find a conference room in our local community to hold that conference here as well. She told me that if I would get some materials together, they might have an opening the be a featured business of the month for their branch. What an opportunity. All because I saw an opening to share my upcoming event, it turned into something else and we will see where it takes us. Find daily opportunity in your life and take it...period.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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