Sunday, April 14, 2013

Guaranteed R.O.I.

They say that if something sounds to good to be true, it probably is. But, hear me out. This investment is guaranteed to give you a positive return on your investment. Not only that, but the returns compound over time. The government has no way of taxing it and no penalties for earlier withdrawal. No need for a broker, so you will save those fees as well. So are ready to hear where you can make this amazing investment? In you. That's right, invest in you. With this investment comes happiness, peace, confidence, a better self-image, probably more money, and better health. Who wouldn't want these things? Now that I have shared with you some of the things that this investment will bring to you, let me share what it could cost you. After all, it is an investment. This investment will cost you time, sleep, and money, but you get to decide how much of each you are willing to invest. But remember, the more you invest, the bigger and quicker your R.O.I.(return on investment). How do you invest in you? That is somewhat up to the individual, but some of the basics don't change. You will have to read and/or listen to audio books on self improvement. You will have to listen and/ or watch motivational seminars. You will have to apply the knowledge that you have gained from these books and seminars to your life. These are not options, but musts, for this investment to work. You can't do these things occasionally either. They must be completed a minimum of 5-7 times a week for at least an hour each day. But Dan, I don't have time. Most people get a break or two and a lunch period at work. Instead of gossiping in the lunch room, use that time and invest in you. Turn off the TV and skip watching another "reality" show and invest in you. I don't have the money for the materials that I need, get a library card. The library has an almost endless supply of the materials that you will need and, most likely, if they don't have it, they will try to get it for you. You can also use the internet for videos and I have bought several books from Dollar Tree over the past couple of years and guess what, each book only cost a dollar. Here are some added returns that you will get by making this investment. Your personal relationships will improve, you will have better job performance(even if you don't like you job), you will become a better parent, and best of all the sun seems to shine a little brighter(even on cloudy day, or at least it has to me). I know, I made it sound so simple, but it works. A couple more things before I let you go out and begin your investment. You can begin this investment at any age, you will develop habits that should inspire the next generation, and you will change your world.

If you aren't sure what to read or watch, please contact me at and I can share some of my favorites with you.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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