Thursday, November 17, 2011

Laying On A Nail

The story goes, that one day a man was taking a walk and passed by a house with some people sitting on the porch talking. As he walked by he noticed that there was a dog laying on the porch as well that was moaning and groaning. The man decided to ask the man on the porch, "Why is your dog moaning and groaning?" The man replied, "Because he's laying on a nail." "Well why won't he get off?", the man asked. He answers, "Because it's not hurting bad enough to get off, just bad enough to moan and groan."

How many times in our lives have we been like that dog? The situations that we find ourselves in aren't bad enough to take action to correct, but we have no problem complaining about them. I believe that if we are not willing to take the actions to correct the nail(s) in our lives, that we should stop complaining about them. We have a job that we don't like, our kids are acting up, the dishwasher is broken, our coworkers and or mate aren't being supportive of us, and the list goes on and on of what we complain about on a daily basis. Stop wasting your time and energy on the stuff that you aren't willing to fix. It just brings you down and those around you. If it's something that is out of your control, then just walk away from that nail in your life. No need to concern yourself with it, like all the drama that others want to force you to listen to and take their side on. 

I have had and still do have nails in my life but I stopped concerning myself with them and I have done everything that I can to move away from the things that I don't like in my life. It's amazing how, when I concern myself with what I can do about the situations that I have control over, how the little things that used to bother me so much really don't matter anymore. I have learned to stop moaning and groaning about the nails in my life by getting up, moving, and concerning myself with the good things in my life. I would implore you to just try this for the next week. Every time that a situation in your life becomes uncomfortable and you want to moan and groan about it, get up and move you, if possible, and more importantly your thoughts, to what makes you happy.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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