Friday, February 3, 2012

What vs. Who

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" We have ask children this questions for decades. We seem to always the the cute answers like, a fireman, policeman, baseball player, football player, doctor, and so on. I believe that it is very important that we keep these kinds of dreams and aspirations alive in our children and ourselves. The importance of a having a dream is immeasurable.

I would like to pose a new question for children and adults alike. This answers to this question I feel are even more important that those of the previous question. "Who do you want to be when you grow up?" Now I'm not talking in the sense of becoming like someone famous because we are all unique and have to become individuals. I am talking about become the person who we desire to be. The person who has upstanding morals and values. The person who is a leader, who is respected by their peers, who gives back to the world in which they live.

We spend so much time focused on our career that we forget about who we are becoming and end up some where else by fault. Sometimes we become exactly the who we don't want to be. Take a good look in the mirror, or better yet, ask a close friend who will be completely honest with you, "Who have I become?" Some of the answers may surprise you. I know that there are things in my life that I am working on to become the kind of who that I want to be. Are we the who we want our children to emulate? Are we the who that coworkers look up to? Are we the who that people can trust and call on in times of need?

Dreams and goals are wonderful things, but who are we becoming in the process. Make becoming the who that you desire to be part of your asperations in life. Become your own best role-model.

I also want to touch on another side note this week and that is, "Take time to smell the roses."  We get so busy with the everyday hustle and bustle of our lives, take time with those closest to you. Invest in your loved ones, because they are  the ones who will hold you up when time get tough. Hopefully they are your biggest fans and supporters. Also, take time for yourself. Sometimes we just need to get away, even if for just a few minutes. Find your inner peace and rest in all that you have accomplished. You and your loved ones deserve the best of you.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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