Sunday, May 19, 2013

Squished, Just Like Grape

So, I'm sitting here watching The Karate Kid and got inspired to write this post. Early in the movie, Mr. Miyagi asks Daniel if he is ready to learn karate. Daniel says, "Guess so." Mr. Miyagi explains that if you walk on the left or right side of the you are okay but if you walk In the middle you will get "squished, just like a grape." He exposes the lesson by telling Daniel that if he must choose either karate yes or karate no. Karate guess so would caused him to get "squished, just like grape."

Our lives are much like this example. We can choose to ignore our destiny and live in mediocrity or we can choose to live our destiny and live happy fulfilling lives. It's when we "guess so" about our destiny that we live in distress. We get frustrated, stressed, and live in misery. It's when we give our passions and dreams a half hearted effort that we struggle the most. Instead is giving it our all, we gave it less then our best. Then say, it won't work and that it must not have been meant for us. If it's in your heart, it's meant to be.

We also get distract by what seems like meaningless work in the pursuit of our destiny. Mr. Miyagi has Daniel to wax on and wax off, sand the floor, paint the fence, and even paint the house. Daniel gets frustrated that he isn't being taught karate. Then Mr. Miyagi reveals to him that what seemed like chores were really hidden karate moves. When we are patient and persistent with our efforts, life have a way of revealing that it has all bee a part of the journey. Stop trying to understand the process and just keep giving it your best. The Universe wants you to reach your full potential but leave the process to the Universe and the effort up to you. You deserve your best.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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