Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sandwiched Between

A friend of mine recently posted this photo on facebook and it is so true. For generation upon generation, we have heard the fairy tale stories. Sometimes, I think that we get so caught up in the "happily ever after, that we forget about how the characters got there. All the stories I remember, the hero or heroine of the story had to face some adversity to get to the "happily ever after." We've got the "once upon a time" down, because we know where our life started. But we seem to get lost between the beginning and the end. We know that we want the happy ending but get stuck when adversity strikes. Our ending doesn't have to be something that we settle for, it's something that we design. I'm not saying that every detail is designed, because we all know that life has a way of throwing us for a loop at times. But what I am saying is that we have options. In no way shape of form should we just be settling for what life hands us. We have the ability to create that storybook life, that we all say that we want. When that adversity comes, what are you going to do about it? If your answer is, "I don't know" then you need to figure it out. If you are not a part of your own solution, then you are a part of your own problem. I've always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way." If you really wanted to have that happy ending, you would find a way. Stop complaining about the adversity and obstacles and get to working on getting through it. Life will give you what you want, it will give you what you deserve. Put in the work, believe that it will happen, and watch your efforts change your circumstances. Obstacles and adversities are put in our live for mainly two reasons. One, to make us stronger and to prepare us for what is next and two, to test our resolve. Is what we say we want really what we want or are we just playing lip service? You are ready have the "Once upon a time", figure out what your "Happily ever after" is, now have the faith that it will happen and work like hell to accomplish it.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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