Thursday, September 19, 2013

Results Or The Lack Of

"Don't attach your happiness to results and don't attach your unhappiness to the lack of results." -Dan Clark

Okay, so I'm not sure how this post is going to go but I really feel that I need to share this. The above quote is something that come to me yesterday as I was talking to my very good friend, Michael. Michael and I have a very cool friendship and he has an amazing soul. He and I share so many of the same beliefs about out journey here on Earth. Thank you, Michael for being that catalyst to my epiphany from the universe.

Most of us know that our happiness doesn't dwell in the acquisition of things. We will never truly be happy by a bigger house, newer car, younger spouse, richer spouse, new job, and so on. These things can give us a false sense of happiness but it quickly fades and we are back where we started. The only way we can truly be happy is to learn to be happy with ourselves. We need to be the reason for our happiness. I think that I have shared this before but, people look at me weird when I tell them that my wife doesn't make me happy. I make me happy. My happiness is all on my shoulders. My responsibility. The people and things in my life can only make me happier. My wife makes me happier. This is something that I really learned and began living a year or so ago and my life really changed.  Don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of "When I get this then I will be happy" or "When this happens I will be happy." It is a very slippery slope that will cause you a lot of misery. We know about "Being the change that we want to see in the world", well, be the happiness that you wish to see in the world. And it starts and ends with you.

I realized, when I was talking with Michael yesterday about the "slump" that I have been in, that I had been attaching my unhappiness to the lack of results without even realizing it. Sure, I would have rather not went through what I went through but I am thankful for the lesson. I was getting depressed because I wasn't seeing certain results show up in my life. I was asking, "Why isn't this happening for me?" and "Where is my opportunity?". This had become very toxic in my life without me even realizing that I was doing it. I had allowed the lack of results to create unhappiness in my spirit. I kept looking outside of me for answers when the real answers are already within me. As toxic as attaching your happiness to things outside of you, attaching my unhappiness to the lack of results was slowing killing me inside. So, like happiness beginning and ending with you, so does your unhappiness.

I can honestly say that the past couple of weeks have been some of the toughest I have faced in some time spiritually. Now that I am aware of what was happening, I can fix it and move on. I am pretty excited to see where this new epiphany will take me. This "slump" is now behind me and it's time to move forward once again. It's time to once again shine. If this or that doesn't happen, it will not change my out look or happiness level. The bar has once again been raised and I am stronger because of this storm. Turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome to become your very best.

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