Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chicken Little

We have all probably heard the story of Chicken Little. For those of you haven't, I will add it to the bottom of this post. Are you Chicken Little, one of Chicken Little's "friends", Foxy Woxy, or the King? I am going to explain how I see the characters in the timeless classic. See which character you are at any moment in life. What character would you like to be?

Chicken Little- This kind of person is the one who freaks out at the first sign of "trouble" in their lives. This person only sees the problems in life and seems to just run from problem to problem. The first sign of trouble and they act like their whole life is falling apart. 

Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, & Turkey Lurkey- These are the kinds of friends that you invite to your pity party when you are feeling down. They drop what they are doing a buy into your state of emotional wreck. They confirm your beliefs that you were wronged in some way that you have a right to feel the way you do. 

Foxy Woxy- The fox is the person who swops in and tries to take advantage of your weakened state and the situation. They seem like they are trying to help, but when in reality, they are lying to you only to gain an advantage.

The King- The King is the voice of reason and problem solver. The person who wasn't afraid to tell the truth, even if it might offend you beliefs in your current situation.

Do you live your like Chicken Little? Maybe you are one of Chicken Little's enablers, Henny, Cocky, or Turkey? Are you a Foxy, just trying to figure out how you can gain an advantage through the pain of others? Maybe you are reasonable and truthful King? We have all probably been each character at some point in our lives. Maybe, some more than others.

The story of Chicken Little would have been completely different, if he(?) would have decided to react differently to what was happening to him. I know that things in life can sometimes really catch us off guard and we feel some pretty strong emotions. But, those emotions have not lasting power over us, unless we continue to supply them with energy. As long as we feed these emotions with negativity, they will eventually consume us and severely inhibit our ability to see solutions. Chicken Little was then able to convince others to buy into their negative perception in their situation. They contributed to their negative emotion and they themselves, became a part of the problem. I haven't met to may Foxy Woxy type of people in my life, but I know that they are out there. They are the the people will support you in your negative emotion only to find out how it will benefit them. Maybe they just want to know your gossip for future ammunition. The King, on the other hand, was a man of empathy. He understood the emotional attachment that these people had to their situation, but only saw solutions and didn't feed into their negativity. The King knew that his position might not be popular, but it was true to who he was and he spoke the truth.

In the end, the King gave Chicken Little and umbrella. Find your umbrella in life. We all have tools available to us that will prevent us from getting so bent out of shape over situations in life. We all have the ability and responsibility to keep our emotional reactions in check. We can't allow the situations in life to control how we live our life. Sure, things will happen that will push our limits, but the umbrella is there to catch those things that we can't control. 

Which character will you be the next time life throws an acorn at you? Will you be that friend that joins the pity party? Will you be the fox, only out to gain at the expense of others? Maybe you will be the king and offer solutions?

Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome to become your very best.

Chicken Little
By Merri Beth Stephens
One day Chicken Little was walking in the woods
when -- KERPLUNK -- an acorn fell on her head
"Oh my goodness!" said Chicken Little. "The sky is
falling! I must go and tell the king."
On her way to the king's palace, Chicken Little met
Henny Penny. Henny Penny said that she was going
into the woods to hunt for worms.
"Oh no, don't go!" said Chicken Little. "I was there
and the sky fell on my head! Come with me to tell the
So Henny Penny joined Chicken Little and they went
along and went along as fast as they could.
Soon they met Cocky Locky, who said, "I'm going to
the woods to hunt for seeds."
"Oh no, don't go!" said Henny Penny. "The sky is
falling there! Come with us to tell the king."
So Cocky Locky joined Henny Penny and Chicken
Little, and they went along and went along as fast as
they could.
Soon they met Turkey Lurkey, who was planning to
go to the woods to look for berries.
"Oh no, don't go!" said Cocky Locky. "The sky is
falling there! Come with us to tell the king
Turkey Lurkey joined Cocky Locky, Henny Penny
and Chicken Little, and they went along as fast as
they could.
Then who should appear on the path but sly old Foxy
"Where are you going, my fine feathered friends?"
asked Foxy Woxy. He spoke in a polite manner, so as
not to frighten them.
"The sky is falling!" cried Chicken Little. "We must
tell the king."
"I know a shortcut to the palace," said Foxy Woxy
sweetly. "Come and follow me."
But wicked Foxy Woxy did not lead the others to
the palace. He led them right up to the entrance of
his foxhole. Once they were inside, Foxy Woxy
was planning to gobble them up!
Just as Chicken Little and the others were about to go
into the fox's hole, they heard a strange sound and
It was the king's hunting dogs, growling and
How Foxy Woxy ran, across the meadows and
through the forests, with the hounds close behind.
He ran until he was far, far away and never dared
to come back again.
After that day, Chicken Little always carried an
umbrella with her when she walked in the woods. The
umbrella was a present from the king. And if --
KERPLUNK -- an acorn fell, Chicken Little didn't
mind a bit. In fact, she didn't notice it at all.

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