Thursday, February 20, 2014

Success Demands Preparation

So many times we ask ourselves, why this or that isn't or hasn't happened in our lives. Why isn't my marriage better? Why haven't I gotten that promotion at work? Why can't I get out of debt? We keep looking for the answers to these kinds of questions and seem to keep coming up empty. Each and every one of the answers that you can ever seek in life begins with you. 

You are the reason things do and don't happen in your life. You are the beginning and ending to your life's story. How your life plays out all begins with your preparation. You must be prepared for what you want your life to look like. You can't expect to have something that you have never prepared for. Most people don't want to do the prep work because it seems thankless and because it requires effort. Being prepared does required a lot of effort and it seem like those efforts go unnoticed. But at the end of the work is the reward. 

I am a firm believe that if you are not willing to put in the effort to change something in your life, you really have given up your right to complain about it. Are you in an unhealthy relationship? Unless you are willing to do your part to fix the situation, you have no right to complain about it. Wanting that raise or promotion at work? Are you giving your job your best efforts, or just giving enough to meet standards. Nobody said that you can't raise the standards. Stop complaining if your are unwilling to put in the work to have better in your life.

Success demands preparation. The work that you put in now, no matter what you are seeking to be successful at, is your opportunity to be as prepared as possible. You can't go back and change what has been done. Be honest in your preparation. Don't allow yourself to settle for another lame excuse. Decide if you really want to see this change in your life or if you just like complaining about it. Both decisions are totally in your hands and you will live with their consequences. You are the beginnings to your answers.

Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome to become your very best.

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