Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Road Not Traveled

The road on the right looks close, the one on the left looks really muddy from all the recent rain, and there is no way to turn around. So, I guess the I will have to go forward, onto the four-lane Interstate that is well paved, has a 70 MPH speed limit, and plenty of traffic. Left, right, or forward will all get me to the same place, the end of my life. You see, on the road of life we will be faced with this type of decision many times over. Going forward means that you will follow the status quo. You will live your life, like many other, among the people who have given up on their dreams in exchange for being comfortable. Personally, I have traveled this road a lot and it's easy and pretty safe travel. To be honest, I've enjoyed the time that I have traveled this road. It didn't require a whole lot of effort and I could use cruise control most of the time. Sure, I haven't achieved everything that I could have, but who needs that headache? The more you achieve, the more that is expected of you. Plus, I have a good job that I can move up in, I make pretty good money, I have a nice home and car, and a family that loves and supports me. What or why ask for more out of life? Because the road that looks to muddy or the one that seems closed is the one that is not travelled in my life. Because that is the road that my heart and spirit tells me that I should be on. At almost 40 years old, many would say why now and isn't it to late in life? Many before you have tried and failed miserably at chasing their dreams. But that's the point, that was them and that was their dreams. It's time that I take the road not travelled in my life. I am willing to take on the struggles and hardships that will inevitably happen. When your dream moves from your head to your heart, there is no stopping you. So I salute those of you who have decided to travel the road in your life that has not been travelled and those of you who are now making that decision.You will face criticism, doubts, hardships, and maybe even lose some friends and family along the way. The road not traveled will test you like you have never been tested before in your life. It will cause you the do things that you have never done and will force you to be good at things that you never saw as one of your strengths. But, that road will also give you happiness like you have never felt, inner peace like you none other before, and a sense of worth that only that it can.

Now I know that this metaphor is probably a little redundant and played out but for those of you who really know me, I speak what is on my heart. I know that the seeds of inspiration, that I share, will never go without being harvested when they are read by an individual with an open mind and heart.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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