Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stepping Out

I have been pursuing my passion for just over a year now. I have been feeding and nurturing it with great care. I am sure that there are things that I could have done better but I don't regret where I am in my pursuit. I believe that I am where I am supposed to be in this journey. This past year has had it's ups and downs, but I was open enough to allow my passion to show me what all it can and will become. Doubts have crept in and even thoughts of giving up. I have also had those days where I felt like nothing can stop me from accomplishing all that I was destined to do. Thankfully, I have have had way more days of determination than those of doubt. 

I know that I was born with my destiny and passion already alive within me. But, due to my choices I have had to wait until the time was right for it to be revealed to me. I'm not sure of the exact moment or situation that caused me to realized what I was destined to do, but I am now very clear what it is that I am to do with my life.

I know that my next step could be my hardest so far. You see, I have protected my passion and dreams from most of my friends and family. I know that I will need help along the way, but I was afraid of what others might say. So, I have probably been overly protective of my passion at times. I believe that, to some extent, I needed to protect it. Mentally and spiritually my passion needed time to mature and take root within me, to the point where it wouldn't be easily shaken. I now feel that the time is almost here for me to share with the whole world where it is I am going. I know that opening myself up like this will attract the cynics and critics. I understand that their words and actions could hamper my progress. Many of their concerns will be well founded in "being realistic" and their concern for me and my family. To those who honestly have me and my family in their best interests, I appreciate and thank you for your concern. More importantly, this will also open new doors for me. Every successful person, has had some help along the way, from sources that they never thought of. Now is the time for my passion to really take flight.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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