Thursday, January 19, 2012

But I Don't Wanna

Change is a critical element in our existence as human beings. Bottom line is, if we don't change certain aspects of our life, we will cause ourselves and those around us great pain. 

I believe that there are two kinds of change, the have to kind and the need to kind. Both of then elicit different kinds of responses from our body, mind, and spirit. When we have to, it is usually a response out of instinct to prevent us from pain or to better our current situation. If we do this, this will happen now. We change the position of our hand on a hot stove because it causes pain, we will change lanes during rush hour traffic to prevent from getting in an accident, or we will not change jobs and continue to be miserable in the one we have.

The change of need is more difficult to make, even though it will have lasting effects on our life and probably those closest to us. These are the kinds of changes that we procrastinate or probably will never make. We just continue to go through life with the discomfort that not making these changes has caused. We stay in damaging relationships, we continue to work a job that we despise, or we keep doing our unhealthy habits. These types of changes are so difficult because of the fear of the unknown on the other side of the decision. What will our life look and feel like if we make these kinds of changes?

Lasting change causes us to stretch beyond our comfort zone and become something different from what we are used to being. Don't let fear and procrastination control your life any longer. Become daring enough to make the changes that you need to make and go through the struggles to become the person that you need to become. You have all that you need to start that process within you, but only you can take the first step. 

We quickly act on the decisions that we have to make not to lose but we procrastinate actions on the decisions to win.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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