Friday, January 6, 2012


Michael Jordan was know for his talent on the basketball court, George Washington for his ability to lead, Thomas Edison for his inventions, and Mother Teresa for her compassion. This list could go on and on, spanning centuries, and areas in which these people have excelled. But no matter who you chose, they all have one thing in common, the abilities and talents that they possessed would have all been useless if they had not applied them. They all faced struggles and successes in their lives while applying their talents, but it never stopped them. They were willing to make sacrifices to reach their potential in life because they loved what they were doing. They were passionate about it!

What in your life are you passionate about that you aren't doing? What "coulda, shoulda, or woulda" do you think about when it's quiet and only your thoughts are there to keep you company? What opportunities in life are you depriving yourself of by not pursuing the talents that you were born to perform? Not only does pursuing your passions in life change your life, it also changes the lives of those around you. Conversely, not pursuing your passions in life, holds you back from being truly happy, healthy, and living a life full of the experiences that you were meant to have. 

It's never to late or to soon to start pursing your passion in life. Sure it might be a little harder because of certain habits that you have created in your life, or because of the mediocrity that you have settled for, but what is happiness really worth to you? I can tell you from experience, that after spending twenty years in a career, choosing to pursue my passion was a difficult decision. I knew what it was going to take to make it become a reality and I knew how far out of my comfort zone I would have to get. But the past twelve months have been the best investment that I have ever made. It has changed my life and I can see the changes in those around me. Make the decision, take the action, and don't look back.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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