Saturday, January 28, 2012

Life In-Between

"They pay you just enough to keep you from quitting and you work just hard enough to keep from getting fired." Many of us have been or are currently in this situation with our job. This saying also  works for a lot of situations in life. Maybe it's a relationship with family or friends, your job, or maybe your self image. We get stuck in a life that is in-between what we consider our rock bottom and our potential. We only put in just enough work to maintain the things, relationships, careers, and our self image. We get stuck in a comfort zone. Why do we go through life worried about failing and all that we can do to prevent it from happening and yet we ignore our potential to become more. Sure, going above and beyond what we feel are our limits means taking a risk, but the rewards far out weight the risks. We wouldn't throw ourselves into poverty or a damaging relationship and yet we continually throw ourselves out of the running to live a more fulfilled and happier life. What improvements would you like to see in your life? A new job or career, better relationships, better self esteem? What is holding you back from obtaining it? 

As parents, we try to raise our children to become upstanding adult in this world community. We teach them how to act in public, have manners, our religious views, get good grades in school, and the list goes on and on. In the midst of all that we try to teach our children, we quietly live our lives in-between. Our children learn more from our actions than our words. So what kind of example are we setting about a comfort zone? What kind of world would this be if we began to live our lives outside our comfort zone and show our children how to do the same? We all say that we want the best for our children and yet they see us complacent. 

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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