Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Still A Monkey In A Suit

You only get one change to make a first impression, but you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. You can't have it both ways. Which is it? For those who know me, know that I am a simple man with a wardrobe to match. I am by no means on the cutting edge of fashion and should probably be on an episode of "What Not To Wear." In a world obsessed with outward appearances it is easy to see why people feel the need to spend thousands on clothing each year. Shoes-$100; Pants-$100; Shirt-$65; Underclothes-$20...I don't think that this is much of an exaggeration and that's just one outfit. I won't even go into the cost of some of the other things that we spend our money on to look our best. 

I have no problem with looking good for the sake of it making us feel better about ourselves. However, it can't replace a well developed self-confidence but should merely enhance it. Contrary to popular belief, the clothes do not make the person, but the person makes the clothes. You can try to cover up what your feel are your personal short comings, but eventually they will come out.

You can put on your best clothes for that job interview, sales presentation, or a first date and that might make that good first impression. However, eventually what is on the inside will come out. If you don't have job knowledge, don't know the sales numbers, or have self-confidence, you are just a "monkey in a suit."

If we would spend just half of the time and money working on inward appearance as they do their outward appearance, how much more could we accomplish? When we work on what's on the inside, we gain value. When we gain value, we gain self-confidence, desire to accomplish, and our dreams start to come true. I would like to challenge everyone to just spend 30 days working on their inward appearance. What is something about you that you wish you would like to change? For me, it was reading personal development books. Learning about how I can become a better me so that I can help others do the same. When we begin to change how we feel on the inside about ourselves, things on the outside seem to matter less.

I look forward to hearing about your journey. You can contact me at AIAO Life Coaching on Facebook or your can email me at

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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