Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Losing To Win

I know that we have all been in those situations that it seems like no matter what we do, it's a losing battle. No matter where we look, it's a dead end. No matter what decisions that we try to make, they are wrong. It feels like the world is slowly closing in on us and that the situation is completely hopeless. I know that I have had many of these situations in my life and that I have felt exactly like this. It has seemed as though the only solution would be to just give up and quit.

So, I have done just that, quit. I gave up. The problem is, it didn't fix the problem and many times it made it worse. My Parents always said that I would have to learn everything the hard way and until I was in my mid 20's they were right. I finally figured out, the hard way, that quitting doesn't work. 

The same holds true for your dreams. Quitting doesn't work. When things get tough, and they will, keep moving forward. Even the smallest amount of pursuit is better then no pursuit. If you are moving forward towards your dream, you make it damn near impossible to go backwards.

I also believe that you have to be willing to lose the battle, at times, to win the war. You see, no matter how bad we can want something in life, the path that we have chosen, will get changed on us from time to time. You can try as you might to push yourself down a certain path towards your dreams, but that might not be the right path for you right now. Don't give up, change your tactics and perspective. Adapt, Improvise, And Overcome!!!

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!!!
Don't forget to find me on Facebook at AIAO Life Coaching or email me at 

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