Thursday, September 29, 2011

Become The Best Benchwarmer

How many stories have you heard about professional athletes who were second or third string, on the practice squad, or in the minor leagues then all of a sudden they got their chance? Then, just as soon as they got into shape, practiced a few more jump shots, spent another week with the pitching coach, or learned how to run a passing route, they showed up for the game. That’s how they did it right? No, they were ready the moment the call came in. They had spent hours, days, weeks, and sometimes years waiting for this moment to come. They had dreamed of this very opportunity, they had visualized it in their mind, and acted as though it was going to happen.

Shouldn’t pursuing our goals be the same? Shouldn’t we have dreamed of the opportunity, visualized it in our mind, and acted as though it was going to happen? They say that many time successful people were just lucky. I say that they were prepared for when their opportunity. They put in the hours, days, weeks, and sometimes even years of hard work to be ready when their opportunity came. This is what separates the good from the great. The part of the story that is rarely told is about all of the hard work, the determination, the frustrations, and set backs that they went through to get to this moment.

I am willing to guarantee that if you will put in consistent and persistent effort towards achieving your dreams, it WILL pay off. I don’t know when that call will come but isn’t it better to be ready when opportunity comes knock instead of having to say, “Can you give me just a few more months?” It’s not about what you don’t have to get you where you want to be, it’s about doing the most with what you have now. Put in the work, accept nothing less of yourself, and before you know it, your dreams will start coming true.

Dream Big…Pursue Big…Live Big

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