Friday, September 2, 2011

Almost 40yrs old and living in my parents' basement?

What started out as only a couple of days a week, just to get more sleep and save some money on gas, has turned into 5 or more days a week. I see my wife and son about 6 days a month. The rest of the time is spent at my parent's house, mostly in the basement. How and why did this happen? The how I can answer with facts but the why...I can only speculate. In May of 2010, I took a transfer with my job back to Burlington, which is an hour away from where I live, where I was born and raised. The plan was to sell our house and move there. Needless to say, the house didn't sell. Then throw into the mix, Bentley, my Grandson being born. He spent the first three weeks of his life in the NICU. My wife and daughter spent those three weeks with Bentley in Iowa City, so I just stayed in Burlington except on my day(s) off when I would go to see them. Follow that up with the Christmas season in retail, which means six day work weeks, so I would just go home on my one day off a week. Many consider me a workaholic, which many be true. After the Christmas season, I have continued to work six days most weeks and not drive back and forth. My wife and I understand that this has been our decision and we are accepting of it's benefits and struggles even though, at times, it hasn't been easy. I believe that we have grown closer and stronger as individuals through this time. Sure I miss my family and I know that they miss me.

During this time we've had a financial issue arise, last November, that made me realize that "I don't want to live like this anymore". It's not that I don't make good money, because I do. We don't have extravagant things because we don't. We had been irresponsible with our money in the past, most of which we had since taken care of, but we missed one. But it wasn't just about money, something inside of me snapped and made me realize that I was not living up to my potential in life. I wasn't doing what made me happy.

I have always had a desire to learn more about the field of Psychology and Counselling. I have had friends and family come the me with their struggles in life. I enjoy the process of helping them see the problem for what it really was and then how to grow from it and how to change from it. I began to spend my time, in the basement, reading and learning about Life Coaching and Motivational Speaking. I like the the opportunity that these two fields will give me to help others without many of the rules and regulations that Psychology and Counselling have. As many of you know, I like to challenge rules and regulations. 

I wanted to take this opportunity to share with everyone where my life has taken me in the past year. I don't want to make it all sound like it has all been bad. I have had the opportunity to spend some time with my parents that most people my age don't get. I have read over a dozen books since December to better improve on my weaknesses for my career as a Life Coach & Motivational Speaker. I have learned a lot about me and where I want to go in life. 

In closing, I want to say thank you to my family and friends who have supported me in my quest. Please take the time to "Like" me on Facebook at AIAO Life Coaching if you would like to follow me on my quest.

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