Thursday, October 6, 2011

Who me...a perfectionist?

So, I started writing a new post last night from one of my many random notes that I had written months ago. Something about it didn't feel right. I felt like I was forcing it so I deleted it. And I am glad that I did because the last thing that I want to do is not speak from my heart when I post on my blog.

Today, while I was at work, I had an opportunity to talk to a Counselor friend of mine who reminded me that I am a perfectionist. I guess that I don't see myself as one, but many family members would disagree with me. We were discussing the "fear" that I have about my upcoming speech. I don't want to give so much information that it become a jumbled mess. But, I also don't want to give so little that my audience is left uninspired due to lack of information. My friends have told me to speak from my heart and be real. I have never really been a person to speak from anywhere but my heart. I have a passion for people and I love it when I have the opportunity to help them become their best. Help them realize the positive changes that can transform their lives.

It's been said that perfection is never a destination but a journey and I totally agree. I feel that once you accept that you are where you are in life because of the choices you have made you can start that journey. Part of that journey is learning to speak to yourself from your heart and be real and accept it as constructive criticism and not get down about it. You have to know where you are before you can get to where you want to be in life. Once you accept you for you and begin to love yourself, you can begin to make the changes to become the best you possible. In my personal journey, finding the person that I want to be has been a wonderful trip but not always easy. I am just getting started and I am excited to where this can take me and who I can become. Sure, I have had to give myself some tough love but knowing that it is a part of the process. So in the pursuit of my personal perfection, I will always speak from the heart and always try to be real. 

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big 

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