Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Repeat Offender

We are all guilty of being repeat offenders. We have wronged the same person more than once. We have lied, broken the speed limit, and maybe even stolen more than once. Now some of these many seem trivial, our biggest crime are those that we commit upon ourselves. We repeatedly make the same mistakes when choosing a mate. We continually neglect our job and wonder why we are unhappy with it. We complain about not having any money and yet we waste what we do have. We keep shooting ourselves in the foot thinking that some how, this time it will be different. We tell ourselves that today we will choose happiness and yet we continually choose actions that take away from our happiness. We are hurting not only ourselves but those closest to us as well. We wonder why we seem to be stuck in a rut, it's because we keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. And that, my friends, is the definition of insanity. Why do we do thing? We want our lives to be different and yet we keep repeating the things that are holding us back. Change is tough, uncomfortable, and takes persistence. It's easy to do those things that we have always done. We start down the road to change and when time gets tough, we revert to what's comfortable. It's not just our actions that hold us back, but it's also our thought process. If you can change your perspectives and thoughts, you can change your life. You have to be patient with this process. It will take time and a lot of hard work. You didn't get into your current situation over night, you won't get out of it over night. Be patient with yourself, have confidence in yourself and plans, and execute. Stop the cycle of being a repeat offender. You owe it to yourself.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big.

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