Friday, November 2, 2012

My Political View...You Have Been Warned

With the elections just a few days away, we are all being inundated with all of these political facebook posts, junk mail ,telemarketers, and commercials. I thought that I would take a moment and express my personal views. In no way shape or form am I supporting any candidate or political party. I might even get "unfriended" because of what I am about to say.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, the system that we are nominating them into is broken. We have become a country that is being run by a government instead of a government being ran by the people. Until we fix the problem, the absolute power that our government has will continue to corrupt the majority that we vote in. There is no longer a system of checks and balances, but a system of payoff and kickbacks. Our government was first established to serve the people not to take advantage of them. Until we, as a nation, rise up and take back that power that we have allowed the government to take from us, we will never be that great nation that we once were. Now don't get me wrong, I love America and I am proud to be an American. But we have become complacent in our ways. Our freedoms are slowly and quietly being taken from us as we turn a blind eye and let it happen. 

I am, by no means, a political or historical scholar. But this is how I see it. How do we fix it? I don't have an exact plan, but something has to be done. I think that we should start with a six year term with no chance of reelection. Once your term is over, you have six months of unemployment to find a new job them you are back to the working class like the rest of us. No more life time benefits. Having to go back into the working class might change your mind about some of the legislation you have to vote on. With a candidate only being in office for six years, I think that it would limit some of the P.A.C. money because they know that that person can only help them for so long. Also, do we really need the electoral college anymore? We have the technology to cast votes for an American Idol, we should be able to come up with a winner with just a popular vote. 

Okay, so I got that off my chest. I'm not telling you who to or not to vote for. I still believe that if you don't vote you have no right to complain about who gets elected. It's time for us to take a stand as a nation of people and stop allowing the politicians to run our lives. We are still the voice and heartbeat of this great nation that we live in. Be heard and let them know that the country's life blood still run through us.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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