Thursday, November 1, 2012

Let Me Tickle Your Ear

You are okay. There is nothing about you that you need to change. It's okay that you spend your money on partying every weekend. It's okay that spending time with your friends instead of your spouse and kids. It's fine that you invest your time with TV instead of investing in yourself. You don't need to read and educate yourself, you already have all the answers. Just keep doing what you have been doing, there is no room for improvement. The people that you have surrounded yourself with will be there for you when you most need them. I think that I have covered most of the bases. I have told you everything that would tickle you ear and keep you where you are in life. After all, it's where you want to be right? Everything is just fine, right? Stop allowing yourself these excuses and stop allowing others to support these excuses. If the people in your life are enabling your poor behavior, find new friends. If you are justifying your actions, STOP. You will never live the life that you desire and deserve until you stop playing these games. Invest discretionary money and time on bettering yourself. Books, seminars, lectures, and so forth. I'm not saying that you can't go out and occasionally have some fun. Gut we have to learn the difference between and investment and an expenditure. Time at the expenditure. Time with your loved ones(not at a bar) investment. Investments, most of the time, take time to see the return. As much as we like to think we do, we don't have all the answers. The answers to some of the most important questions that we have in life are outside of ourselves. Others have gone before us and have left hints to where we should be in our life. I may never be a world renowned speaker and coach, but what I will be is true to myself and truthful with you. I will never sugar coat my words and message. I believe that the truth will set you free, but that truth comes at a cost. That cost is your comfort, your vision of you current self, and maybe even your self integrity. Stop allowing yourself and others to keep you from your greatness. Be bold enough to move past where you are in life and start down a path that will lead you to the person that you wholeheartedly want and deserve to be. It's your life, are you going to make excuses or are you going to make changes? Live your greatness.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!!!

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