Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life Hoarders

I have seen a few episodes of the show Hoarders. I can relate how they can let their house get out of hand, it happened to me when I was going through a really rough time in my own life. I always find it interesting, the things that these people hang on to. Looking from the outside in, much of it doesn't make any sense to me. I understand that it is a serious psychological problem that these people have and they need the help that is being offered to them. These people have had some serious things happen to them in life and many times that is some of the biggest root causes of their hoarding. In my life, I have been guilty of hoarding as well. I have hoarded my struggles, my set backs, and those things that have happened to me that prevented me from moving on in life. I held on to growing up without a Dad, being verbally and physically abused by a man that was suppose to be my step-dad, my failure in not being further along in my career, and I'm sure that there has been more. I held on to these things like they were important in my life and let them define who I was becoming. In all actuality, I was hanging into these things and they were holding me back from who I really needed to be and the person that I was designed to be. The struggles that we experience in life are not meant to define us, but rather help create us. They are merely lesson to be learned to help us develop the person that we were designed to be. If you think that you were not designed to be great and to fulfill a purpose, you are sorely mistaken. We all have a destiny to fulfill and holding onto those things that hurt us, severely hinders this process. Let go and begin the process of moving forward. Begin to hoard those things in your life that add value to it. The times that you spend with loved ones, the accomplishments that you have made, and if nothing else, the fact that you have made it through all that you have. Take a moment and see what you are hoarding in your life. Are these things adding to your value or are they taking away from that value? Are these things a reason to become better or are they the reason you are stuck in a rut? Be honest with yourself when you answer these questions. Don't let yourself off the hook, but love yourself through the process.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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