Saturday, January 5, 2013

Karma...It's Not Just For Revenge

The overwhelming majority of the posts that I read on facebook in relation to Karma is about how it will come back and get the person who did you wrong. While this might be true and maybe it gives you some sense of satisfaction, I think that we are greatly obscuring our view of all that it encompasses. When our morals prevent us from taking revenge on someone that has personally done us wrong, we watch and wait for Karma to work it's magic and secretly hope that we get to watch. I think that this is a little sick and twisted, but alas, I have been guilty of this myself. The basic concepts of Karma are know by many names, The Law of Attraction and Reaping and Sowing are just a couple. In all actuality, it's not a concept, it is a natural law formed when the Earth was formed. This natural law cannot be averted, nor can it be broken. Whatever you want to call it, it envelopes more than just revenge. Sure, that person who wronged you or another, will get what is coming to them but lets apply this law in it's fullest form. What ever we put out in this life, whether it is positive or negative, that is what we will get back. So many time we are putting all of our mental and physical efforts towards the negatives in our lives that the positives get lost in the much and the mire. Sure it sounds like "pie in the sky" talk, but when I realized and then applied this law in my life, it began to change my life. Do I have it perfected, no, but I realized that when I place my efforts on the positives in my life and that positives that I want in my life, I began to see and live the life that I desire. Did it happen overnight? I wish, and actually it took a lot longer than I would have liked it to. It's a process...remember, you didn't get into your present circumstance overnight, it's going to take some time to get out. What you sowed in the past still has to be reaped at some point in time. But what you begin to plant now, will be harvested in the future. I'm not saying that once you live this law that you won't still have bad things happen in your life. But those time are just a part of the human experience. Those are the time when we have an opportunity to grow and become stronger as a person. I want to challenge you to put a whole lot more effort in the positives that you have and want in your life. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. No one is expecting you to change the world, but you can begin today, with small, persistent, and consistent steps to change your personal corner of the world. I wish that words could explain how much this has changed my life. Whatever you spend your time, energy, thoughts, and actions on, is what you are going to get more of in your life. I heard so many people talk about how they are sick and tired of all the drama in their lives, and yet that is the majority of what their posts are on facebook. Want to live a more drama free life, stop feeding it. Just walk away. "But Dan, you don't understand." No, I do get it. I have had to limit and in some cases, cut ties with the people, places, and things that cause strife in my life. The people that we associate with, the things that we have and do, and the places that we go either add value to our lives or take away from that value. Time to take inventory of what is and isn't adding value to our lives and make the adjustments. Fear of cutting ourselves off of what has been comfortable will keep us from the lives that we were born to lead. Change is hard and sometimes it even hurts. But, from my experience, that pain is temporary and hurts a lot less than settling for less than what we should be.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big

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