Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Revisiting The Why

This is a speech that I gave at my Toastmasters club.

Eat your veggies.
It’s time for bed.
Try to go to the bathroom before you get in the car.
Clean your room.

We’ve all probably experienced the “why” stage with a child? That stage, where it doesn’t seem to matter what you tell them, they ask “why?” 

Why is defined as “for what, for what reason, cause, purpose.”  So let’s play the “Why” game. Why are you a Toastmaster? What is the purpose of going to work? What is the reason your feet hit the floor every morning? These are the kinds of questions that we, as adults, have to ask of ourselves. Not need to ask, but HAVE to ask ourselves.  We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we lose sight of our “whys.“ When we don’t know whys, we are merely settling for what is more commonly know as a rut. And the difference between a rut and a grave is the dirt in your face and the room to run around in. I’m a Toastmaster because I have a passion for speaking, I go to work because I know that I CAN make a difference, my feet hit the floor because I know I WILL be a light in a dark world.

When you  KNOW the why, the how will come. Don’t allow the hows control your whys. I didn’t always know how to be a store manager, but I kept showing up for work because my why was to become a store manager. Opportunities came to me because I was putting in the work into my why. When I knew that I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others the opportunities of how showed up in my life. I want challenge you to question the situations in your life that you don’t know your why.  Why am I in this financial situation, why am I unhappy, why did I choose this career, why did my feet hit the floor today?

Children look at their world with eyes of wonder and are curious about everything. Become curious about your world once again. And don’t allow yourself to live in a rut. Because when you find your whys in life, you will have the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of a child once again. Why would we all not want to do that?

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