Monday, January 14, 2013

Why You Shouldn't

I have used this blog to reach those whom I might not normally have an opportunity to talk to in person. I talk so much about why you should chase down your dreams and go after your passions in life. I have shared tips and motivational stories with you. I've shared some of my struggles and triumphs to help inspire you to your own personal greatness. Maybe I have been able to reach out and help you when you have been down. Or maybe made your day a little brighter or gave you some strength when you were feeling weak. This time I would like to share with you why you shouldn't go after your dreams and passions. You shouldn't go after them because you are just fine where you are in your life. You are happy enough and it's just not worth the effort. You could be happier but why? Things in your life could be different but you have managed just fine so far. After all, fulfilling your dream and passions in life could only mean more drama in your life right? Like you really need more drama. It could only mean more work load and more hours and you don't really have the ability of time for it. Maybe when the kids get older, get a little further along in your career, maybe when you get a little older, or maybe it just plain to late in life to even try. Things are just to hectic right now.

Now I don't know if reverse psychology works or not  but my point is that there is no such thing as a perfect time to begin. You just have to start now. You have the ability to do something now, with what you have, where you are. We get focused on the excuses and seeing the problems that we lose sight of the solutions. Don't give up, don't settle, and believe in you. Sometimes we have to believe in someone else's belief in us before our own belief kicks in. I believe in you.

Dream Big...Pursue Big...Live Big!

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